
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Asia. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 121 - 130 of 1830

List of Organisations

Mixed Migration Centre,

Despite high risks en route and upon arrival, Rohingya movement to Malaysia continues. This snapshot focuses on the specific risks facing Rohingya women and children before leaving Myanmar or Bangladesh, during their journey, and upon arrival in Malaysia. MMC Asia has been conducting survey with Rohingya in Malaysia since January 2019 in order to better understand their migration experiences. This snapshot contributes to building a solid evidence base to inform targeted responses that improve protection for Rohingya refugees and inform advocacy efforts related to movements to Malaysia.

Xinhua Net,

The Chinese government is weaving an even stronger protection net for women and children, with a resolute stance voiced and tough measures pledged against human trafficking.

The Daily Star,

Over 100,000 social workers are needed in Bangladesh to adequately respond to the needs of vulnerable children, but currently there are only 3,000 social workers in the country, UNICEF has said.

UNICEF Bangladesh,

Nine in ten children – accounting for 45 million boys and girls – below the age of 14 are subjected to violent disciplining in their homes regularly. More than half of girls, 51 per cent, are married before reaching their eighteenth birthday. Millions of children are living on the street, are out of school or trapped in hazardous child labour. To identify these children and to protect them from harm and abuse, a well-planned, trained and supported social service workforce is critical.

Agence France-Presse,

Bangladesh has shut the largest private school for Rohingya refugees, officials said today, in a further blow to the educational prospects of thousands of children stuck in vast camps in the country’s southeast. Bangladesh has been sheltering about 850,000 Rohingya refugees from neighbouring Myanmar since a military offensive in 2017 that the US this month designated as “genocide”.

Melissa Sanchez, Anna Clark - ProPublica,

Seven months after the fall of Kabul, shelters in the U.S. caring for children evacuated without their parents are experiencing unprecedented violence while workers at the facilities have struggled to respond to the young Afghans’ trauma.

Udayan Care, ICB Journal,

Join this free webinar hosted by Udayan Care March 25, 2022, at 5.30 - 7.00 pm IST/ 7 - 8:30 am EST. Read the latest issue of the International Journal on Alternative Care with a special focus on "Alternative Care for Children and Young Persons with Different Abilities".

Free Malaysia Today,

The Malaysian government does not have any plans to ban underage marriages, but women, family and community development minister Rina Harun says it remains committed to preventing such unions. She said there was a need to manage the issue through education, advocacy, strengthening the family institution and socioeconomic support in the community.

Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform,

This webinar was hosted by the Transitioning Residential Care Working Group of the Transforming Children’s Care Global Collaborative Platform and showcased learning around the transition of residential care services.

Better Care Network, Kinnected, ACC International Relief,

The study was aimed at gaining insights into the operations of privately run, Christian faith-based residential care facilities (RCFs) in Myanmar. The outcomes of this analysis provide important insights to inform ongoing awareness raising, advocacy efforts, approaches to providing technical support and deinstitutionalization, and care reform strategies in Myanmar.