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В этом отчете Независимая международная комиссия по расследованию событий в Украине будет ссылаться на выводы о событиях в конце февраля и марте 2022 года в четырех областях: Киевской, Черниговской, Харьковской и Сумской, как того требует резолюция Совета по правам человека S-34/1.
In this report, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine will refer to findings about events during late February and March 2022 in the four regions of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Sumy, as requested by Human Rights Council resolution S-34/1.
The war in Ukraine and rising inflation have driven an additional four million children across eastern Europe and Central Asia into poverty, a 19 per cent increase since 2021, according to a new UNICEF study published today.
The "Children of War" platform was created on behalf of the Office of the President of Ukraine as a tool for finding children, rescuing them and liberating them from places of forced displacement or deportation.
Joint statement by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on Ukrainian children with disabilities. They express concern about the thousands of Ukrainian children with disabilities who were living in residential institutions and have been evacuated from war zones to Western Ukraine or to other countries, as well as those who have remained in unsafe areas. In particular, they draw attention to children with high support requirements who are negatively affected by institutionalization.
În primăvara anului 2021, programul Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) a lansat un sondaj pentru a studia comunitatea de credință din Moldova și implicarea acesteia în reforma sistemului de îngrijire a copiilor. Scopul acestui sondaj a fost de a înțelege mai bine angajamentul actual și potențial al organizațiilor și liderilor de credință în calitate de persoane de influență și furnizori de servicii, dar și de a identifica orice obstacole în calea implicării acestora în reforma respectivă.
This report details Changing the Way We Care's enquiry into the faith-based community in Moldova and its involvement in the ongoing reform of care for vulnerable children.
МЕТОЮ ЦЬОГО ДОКУМЕНТУ З РЕКОМЕНДАЦІЯМИ є надати певну рамку для підтримки фахівців-практиків і посадовців, відповідальних за вироблення політики у сфері опіки та піклування над дітьми, як в Україні, так і в країнах, які приймають біженців, у рамках заходів реагування, що стосуються опіки та догляду за дітьми в контексті України у відповідності до міжнародних стандартів і належної практики у сфері опіки та піклування та забезпечення альтернативних форм догляду.
This week on 60 Minutes, correspondent Scott Pelley reported from Ukraine. He spoke with Ukraine's first lady, Olena Zelenska, who spoke about the toll the war has taken on Ukrainian families.
În 2021-2022, CTWWC în parteneriat cu trei organizații ale societății civile: Keystone Moldova, Copil, Comunitate, Familie (CCF Moldova) și Asociația Parteneriate pentru Fiecare Copil (P4EC), a realizat o serie de cercetări la nivel național, inclusiv evaluarea complexă a șase instituții rezidențiale (IR).