Eastern Europe

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As of the morning of June 8, 2022, more than 741 children were injured in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation: according to official information of juvenile prosecutors, 263 children were killed, more than 478 injured, the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) reports.

Channel 4 News,

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, hundreds of children have been killed, hundreds more have been injured, and millions have fled.

IOM, UN Women ,

Since the onset of the war in Ukraine, a number of people fleeing from Ukraine to neighbouring countries has been observed. This report presents findings based on cumulative and daily registrations, by the General Inspectorate for Border Police (GIBP), since 24 February 2022 onwards, of movement flows of Ukrainian refugees and third-country nationals (TCNs) entering from Ukraine to the Republic of Moldova from all Border Crossing Points (BCPs) and exiting the country from all BCPs, towards Romania and towards Ukraine, as well as via flights. In addition, it presents data on those who entered since 24 February and are still present in the country.

Catholic Relief Services,

Це керівництво складено таким чином, щоб забезпечити базове розуміння того, як надавати першу психологічну допомогу в умовах надзвичайного стану. Воно засноване на Керівництві Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров'я з надання першої психологічної допомоги для працівників, які працюють на місці (2011), та було адаптоване спеціально для надання допомоги біженцям з України в умовах Молдови.

Tsvetelia Tsolova - Reuters,

More than 100,000 Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and children, have fled to Bulgaria since the start of the war. The government placed around 60,000 refugees at beach-front resorts during the low season at places such as the Melia Sunny Beach hotel. Its manager, Hristo Karailiev, said it had housed around 2,500 Ukrainians at one point.

Anthony Deutsch, Stephanie van den Berg - Reuters,

Prosecutors investigating war crimes cases in Ukraine are examining allegations of the forcible deportation of children to Russia since the invasion as they seek to build a genocide indictment, the country’s top prosecutor said in an interview.

Kostan Nechyporenko, Bex Wright - CNN,

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Russia of pursuing a “consistent criminal policy of deporting our people” into mostly remote areas of Russia. During his daily address on Wednesday, 2 June 2022, Zelensky said more than 200,000 children have been deported so far.

Council of Europe,

On 1st of June 2022, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova officially presented the National Program for Child Protection 2022-2026. The document sets out the objectives and priority actions for the next five years, which aim to strengthen the social protection system of children in the Republic of Moldova, in order to respond promptly and effectively to the needs of each child.

Catholic Relief Services,

Această instruire a fost concepută pentru asistenții sociali din Moldova care lucrează cu asistenții parentali profesioniști care au în plasament copii și adolescenți neînsoțiți și separați, veniți aici din cauza crizei din Ucraina.