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This code of conduct is to be used during the Moldovan emergency response to the Ukrainian crisis. It should be upheld by all adults and children over 12 years old.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced a modification of item 24 of "Rules of crossing of the state border by citizens of Ukraine". This is an unofficial English Google Translation of the original document published in Ukrainian which is included on Page 2 of this document.
This Rapid Gender Analysis Brief seeks to draw the attention of those engaged with Ukraine in humanitarian operations to the most significant gender issues both existing and emerging and propose measures to address them.
Nothing crystallizes the “her body, my baby” conundrum of surrogacy quite like a war. Should a surrogate be tucked away somewhere safe, to protect the child she’s growing for someone else? Or should she be with her own family, or in her hometown, or even out on the streets defending her nation? That is a live question in Ukraine right now.
What has war looked like for the children of Ukraine? For many, it has meant sheltering in basements and subway stations while Russian forces attack cities and street fights rage. For others, it has meant a scramble to escape, leaving homes and fathers, taking trains and buses or walking for miles with their families in hopes of crossing into a safer country.
KYIV, Ukraine—Krystyna Krayevska came to Kyiv from Poland, where she normally lives and works, for her niece Darynka’s sixth birthday in January. A few days later, Darynka was diagnosed with a brain tumor and, after complications following surgery, now lies on life support in Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital, Okhmatdyt.
The Government of Ukraine released this updated procedure for border crossing for orphans and children without parental care.
The Protection Cluster coordinates the protection response and advocates for the improvement of policies and legislation affecting conflict-affected people. It also engages in capacity building and provides guidance on mainstreaming protection into all humanitarian response activities. This is the protection snapshot for Ukraine for the period February 25 - March 1, 2022, compiled by Protection Cluster Ukraine.
At least 7.5 million children are in grave danger of physical harm, severe emotional distress and displacement. Families forced to flee will be in urgent need of assistance with shelter, food and clean water. Whenever children are forced to flee their home, there is a risk that children will become separated from their families.
BARCELONA, Spain — They file into neighboring countries by the hundreds of thousands — refugees from Ukraine clutching children in one arm, belongings in the other. And they're being heartily welcomed, by leaders of countries like Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania.