Eastern Europe

Displaying 971 - 980 of 1003

List of Organisations

Benjamin J. Lough - European Journal of Social Work,

This analysis compares historic and current trends in Ukrainian orphanages with changes that led to the general demise of the American institutionalized child welfare system.

Jørn Holm-Hansen, Lars B. Kristofersen and Trine Monica Myrvold - Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research,

The objective of this research project is to contribute to the process of facilitating a more family-like childhood for Russian orphans.


A 2 part document containing a concept paper on strategies that divert children from institutional care into community based support programs, and a toolkit with practical resources for implementing improved gate keeping.

Republic of Moldova,

This document presents the social assistance law of Moldova.

Professor Kevin Browne and Dr Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis,

This 15-month project aimed to map the number and characteristics of children under three placed in European institutions for more than three months without a parent as this information was previously unknown.

Christina Groark, Robert McCall, Rifkat Muhamedrahimov, Natalia Nikoforova and Oleg Palmov,

Through a review of orphanages in St. Petersburg, Russia, this study examines the causal roles of consistency in caregivers and appropriate caregiving behaviors in the social, emotional, and development of young children.

Charles H. Zeanah, Charles A. Nelson, Nathan A. Fox,

An overview of the largest longitudinal investigation of institutionalized children less than 2 years old ever conducted.

Romania National Authority for Child Protection and Adoption,

Minimum standards for counseling center and child hotline responding to abuse, exploitation and neglect in Romania.

Andy Bilson, Louise Fox, Ragnar Gotestam, and Judith Harwin,

Provides an overview of social service provision in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and provides information on ways to move resources away from institutional care, and into community-based social services. Contains specific examples from Latvia, Iceland, Sweden, Romania and other transitioning countries.

Andy Bilson, Louise Fox, Ragnar Gotestam, and Judith Harwin,

Contains practical tools and policy guidance for family and child welfare policy makers and practitioners. Relevant topics include gatekeeping, redirecting resources into preventive and family based services, and standards of care.