Displaying 951 - 960 of 1021
Decision No. 1361 on the approval of the Framework Regulations on the Foster Care Service was enacted by the Government of the Republic of Moldova on December 21, 2007 in order to implement the Law on social assistance (No 547-XV as of December 25, 2003) as well as to achieve the National Strategy and Action Plan on the Reform of the Residential Childcare System for 2007-2012, approved by Government Decision No 784, as of July 9, 2007.
Project Evaluation Report for UNICEF Moldova
On 31 October 2007, the Government of the Republic of Moldova issued Decision No. 1177 on the setting up of the Commission for the Protection of the Child in Difficulty and Approval of the Framework Regulations on the activity of the Commission.
A resource site based on the first Regional Consultation on Child Care System Reform held in Sofia in early July. The consultation brought together 120 key social welfare delegates from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, UN-administered Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.
A clear, concise, and evidence-based summary of the effects of institutional care on children. Identifies key steps to transforming children's services to promote alternative care. Links to training resources at European Union Daphne Project website.
The third newsletter of the European Coalition for Community Living. Articles focus on good practices in providing care for children with disabilities.
A set of standards on the process of a child or young person entering care, being cared for, and leaving care, based primarily on the views of children, families, and caregivers.
Addresses prevention of child maltreatment in the family through a public health approach. Identifies primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies and sets proirities for action.
Provides an overview of the children-in-care situation in Croatia, then describes and evaluates the deinstitutionalization project.
A powerpoint presentation on the research findings of the Bucharest Early Intervention Project team. Includes comparisons of children raised in institutional care, vs. children placed in foster care, vs. children raised in the community.