This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.
Displaying 2431 - 2440 of 3317
This press release is in response to the European Commission's Recommendation and Renewed Action Plan for EU member states to return men, women and children staying irregularly in the EU to their countries of origin or transit.
This study emphasises different facets of peer exploitation awareness and experience identified in closed-type institutions, including a couple of abusive behaviours that have not been previously identified in long-term residential centres.
This study provides a mapping of parenting support service provision in Ireland.
The aim of this guide is to enable advocates to access the legal and practical tools needed to secure an end to, and compensation for, violations of rights suffered while in institutional care.
This country fact sheet highlights the care reforms that Spain has instituted over the past few years. This sheet also provides short facts and the latest developments on children in alternative care in Spain.
A review of the evidence on deinstitutionalisation (DI) and the status of care reforms across Europe in 2016 from the Opening Doors for Europe's Children campaign - a pan-European campaign advocating for strengthening families and ending institutional care.
Université de Genève Centre for Children’s Rights Studies announces its Call for applications for the 2017-2018 cycle of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Children’s Rights (CCR).
In this comment piece that accompanies Child-to-adult neurodevelopmental and mental health trajectories after early life deprivation: the young adult follow-up of the longitudinal English and Romanian Adoptees study, Frank C Verhulst discusses how that study "fills an important knowledge gap on the long-term mental health consequences of early severe childhood deprivation."
David Hill wants to shed a light on the abuse perpetrated against child migrants who entered Australia from 1947 to the 1970s.
This study used data from the English and Romanian Adoptees study to assess whether deprivation-associated adverse neurodevelopmental and mental health outcomes persist into young adulthood.