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List of Organisations

Anna Segura, Noemí Pereda, Georgina Guilera, and Soledad Álvarez-Lister - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care,

This report analyzes the relationship between poly-victimization and the internalizing and externalizing symptoms amongst 12-17 year old youth living in residential care centers in Spain. 

Kathryn L. Humphreys, Nathan A. Fox, Charles A. Nelson, and Charles H. Zeanah - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care,

This chapter from Child Maltreatment in Residential Care presents the key findings from the Bucharest Early Intervention Project (2003), a longitudinal randomized control study which revealed the immense developmental impact of the severe deprivation experienced by children placed in institutional care shortly after birth. 

Ecaterina Stativa et al. - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care ,

This secondary analysis, based off data collected in 1999 by the Survey on Child Abuse in Residential Care Institutions in Romania, investiged the prevalence of growth stunting of institutionalized Romanian children and compared the prevalence of stunting between four different institutional contexts.

Adrian V. Rus et al. - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care,

This study investigated the correlation between the self-reported academic achievement of Romanian institutionalized children living in long-term residential care and numerous variables related to their experiences in institutional care. 

Adrian V. Rus et al. - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care ,

This study investigated the prevalence of abuse experienced or witnessed by Romanian children living in long-term residential centers in 1999. 

Ecaterina Stativa, Adrian V. Rus, Sheri R. Parris, Jacquelyn S. Pennings, Oana Clocotici - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care,

This study presents the findings from a secondary analysis of data collected in 1999, which focused on child abuse and neglect within long-term residential centers in Romania, from a child rights perspective. 

Femmie Juffer, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn and Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care ,

This study observed the physical growth and cognitive development in institutionalized toddlers in India, finding profound developmental delays in the sample group. 

Mariya Cheresheva (BIRN) - Balkan Insight,

Unaccompanied refugee children in Bulgaria face extreme risks in the country's refugee facilities, including temporary detention, a practice recently legalized contrary to international human rights standards. 

John Burger - Aleteia,

Many children living in today's orphanages have families, and organizations are addressing the issue by supporting families experiencing poverty and deinstitutionalizing orphanages.

Ecuador Eco Volunteer,

This blog post from Ecuador Eco Volunteer describes the issues associated with orphanage volunteering and the reasons the company does not connect volunteers with orphanage placements.