
Displaying 2731 - 2740 of 4204

List of Organisations

Susanna Davies and Carol Batchelor,

In the attached article Susanna Davies and Carol Batchelor discuss the importance of ensuring methods of resettlement are able to function in today’s global context. 


This HIV Fact Sheet provides short demographics on HIV prevalence and trends in Zimbabwe

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

This document details the guiding principles for para professionals in the social service workforce. 

Save the Children,

Save the Children is looking for a Child Protection Manager to work in its Kirkuk, Iraq office. 

The Editorial Team - Care Appointments,

Foster carers in the UK find working within the system challenging. 

Charlene Coore Desai, Jody-Ann Reece, & Sydonnie Shakespeare-Pellington - Psychology, Health & Medicine,

This global review examines past systematic reviews to determine whether parenting interventions help prevent child maltreatment. 

Sunday Nation Reporter - Daily Nation,

A Kenyan High Court ruled that a child had been irregularly adopted by foreigners and ordered the child to be returned to its naturally born parents.


Delphine Moralis discusses the 10,000 refugee children that have gone missing in the EU.

Sarah Salvadore - Slate,

Slate reports the poor conditions unaccompanied girls face when they attempt to cross the border into the United States from Central America.

Kerry Kolasa-Sikiaridi - Greek Reporter,

The Greek Reporter states that the joint project between the EU and UNICEF will help keep refugee children safe and cared for.