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List of Organisations

Wendy Knerr, Frances Gardner, Lucie Cluver,

This article investigates effectiveness of parenting interventions on reducing harsh and harmful parenting practices in low-to-middle income countries.

REDMAS, Promundo, EME,

This final section of Program P: A Manual for Engaging Men in Fatherhood, Caregiving, and Maternal and Child Health is designed for health sector workers and activists who are interested in developing and implementing social-awareness-raising activities in their community that promote the benefits of active fatherhood as a way to achieve gender equality, benefit children, and improve the lives of men and women.

REDMAS, Promundo, EME,

This section is the second of three in Program P: A Manual for Engaging Men in Fatherhood, Caregiving, and Maternal and Child Health.

REDMAS, Promundo, EME,

This section is the first of three in Program P: A Manual for Engaging Men in Fatherhood, Caregiving, and Maternal and Child Health.

REDMAS, Promundo, EME,

The Program P Manual is a resource developed as part of the global MenCare campaign that identifies best practices on engaging men in maternal and child health, caregiving, and preventing violence against women and children, through the lens of gender equality. Though the main focus of Program P is to engage men via the public health sector, the manual also provides tools and resources for individuals and organizations that want to work more generally with men as caregivers and fathers.

SOS Children's Villages,

This youth-friendly version of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children is an interpretation from members of the I Matter International Youth Council.


This study by UNICEF sought to identify key determinants of vulnerability among children –including those affected by HIV and AIDS – that can contribute to developing an improved global measure of vulnerable children in the context of HIV and AIDS. Data from the most recent available household surveys at the time of analysis was used from 11 countries – Cambodia, Central African Republic, Haiti, Malawi, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe – were pooled.

Better Care Network,

In 2013, Better Care Network (BCN) initiated an important process of developing a new Strategic Plan identifying the main strategic focus for its work over the next four years (2014-2017). The plan is based on an analysis of BCN’s achievements to date, the strategic areas in which BCN can have most impact in the future by working with key actors to strengthen the response to children without adequate family care.

Save the Children,

This position statement by Save the Children highlights the central place of families in numerous international legal instruments and how the concept has been understood. It also clarifies its own understanding of families and reviews key provisions under international law regarding their crucial role and responsibilities, and that of States towards them.

Jon Hamilton - NPR Morning Edition,

This article from NPR describes research conducted by Charles Nelson and others on the impacts of neglect on children's wellbeing and development.