
Displaying 3501 - 3510 of 4204

List of Organisations

CELSIS & Working Group on Children without Parental Care ,

Ce manuel est conçu comme un outil pour les législateurs, les décideurs politiques, et tous les professionnels afin de soutenir la mise en œuvre des lignes directrices pour la prise en charge alternative des enfants, approuvées par l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies en 2009 

Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland (CELCIS),

This handbook, Moving Forward: Implementation of the ‘Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children,’ is aimed at legislators, policy-makers and decision-makers, as well as professionals and care providers, to support the implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2009. It explains the key thrusts of the Guidelines, outlines the kind of policy responses required, and describes ‘promising’ examples of efforts already made to apply them in diverse communities, countries, regions and cultures.

Better Care Network ,

The handbook of the United Nations approved Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children is to be launched on March 7th, 2013 3:00-4:30pm at Room XXII, Human Rights Council, Palais des Nations, Geneva. The handbook provides practical guidance on moving forward on the road to alternative care provision for children. It highlights implications for policy-making where national governments should provide leadership as well as provides links to what is already being effectively done on the ground.

Save the Children,

Le programme de développement post-2015 devrait notamment garantir que tout appel à un renforcement des financements des programmes de protection sociale servent à consolider les services de base fournis aux familles - et non aux institutions ou orphelinats - pour mieux soutenir celles-ci dans la prise en charge et la protection de leurs enfants.

Emily Delap and Daniela Reale,

This paper is part of an inter-agency series on the links between child protection and major development goals. The report focuses on the links between child protection and population dynamics as they relate to the post-2015 Millennium Development Goals agenda.

Jody Heymann and Kristen McNeill ,

This new report by the World Policy Analysis brings together key findings from the book, Children’s Chances: How Countries Can Move From Surviving and Thriving, providing a global picture of what laws, policies, and programs countries have in place to address areas vital to children’s healthy development.

Zero to Three and the National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families,

Zero to Three, a US based non profit organization working to inform, train and support professionals, policy makers and parents to improve the lives of infants and toddlers, combined the evidence from research on early childhood development with feedback from focus groups with families, friends, and neighbors who act as care givers to develop a range of practical resources to strengthen care practices with children between the ages of 0 and 3.

Alessandra Guedes & Christopher Mikton - Western Journal of Emergency Medicine,

In this editorial, the authors outline four specific gaps in evidence on the connections between intimate partner violence (IPV) and child maltreatment (CM) and present an integrated framework for moving the field forward with respect to the intersection of IPV and CM.

Johanna Sköld - Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention ,

The aim of the article is to compile inquiries into abuse and neglect in out-of-home care that have been conducted worldwide in order to frame the historical context in which these inquiries and truth commissions were set up.

Atsushi Asai and Hiroko Ishimoto - BMC Medical Ethics,

To consider the appropriateness of baby hatches, this article presents and examines the validity of each major objection to establishing baby hatches.