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List of Organisations

International Labor Organization ,

This International Labour Organization (ILO) document introduces a new international standard adopted in June 2012, the Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202), that provides guidance to member States in building comprehensive social security systems and extending social security coverage by prioritizing the establishment of national floors of social protection accessible to all in need.

International Labor Organization ,

This International Labour Organization (ILO) brief introduces a new international standard adopted in June 2012, the Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202), that provides guidance to member States in building comprehensive social security systems and extending social security coverage by prioritizing the establishment of national floors of social protection accessible to all in need.

Save the Children,

This policy brief by Save the Children sets out the organization’s position on intercountry adoption, highlighting research findings and referring to international legal standards and good practices. Recognizing that intercountry adoption has played a role in allowing for abandoned, orphaned or children with disabilities to be raised in a loving family from another country, the organization stresses effective regulation to ensure it serves the best interest of the child and does not involve commercial or criminal gain, fraud, child trafficking, or the deception of the birth parents.

Steering Group for the Implementation and Monitoring Handbook ,

The Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland (CELCIS), at the University of Strathclyde, has been awarded the commission for an international implementation and monitoring handbook on the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, which were approved by the UN General Assembly in 2009.The purpose of the handbook is to provide specific guidance on the how the guidelines can be practically implemented - a gap that currently exists among service providers and child protection specialists.

Better Care Network ,

On May 2, 2012, in preparation of the Family Strengthening and Alternative Care Conference for Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa in Dakar, Senegal, BCN and the regional planning committee convened experts and practitioners to present and discuss the efforts to implement the Guidelines for the Alternative Care in the region. Watch this video for presentations, country level experience from Togo, and discussions on the pressing issues facing implementation in the region.

PL 109.95 Secretariat ,

The Fifth Annual Report to Congress on Public Law 109-95, The Assistance for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children in Developing Countries Act of 2005 highlights continued efforts made by the U.S. Government to improve coordination on behalf of vulnerable children in the past year.


This paper presents UNICEF's Social Protection Strategic Framework, which was developed to respond to the emerging global challenges and increased demand for policy and guidance on social protection.

Nigel Cantwell for SOS Children's Villages International ,

SOS Children's Villages has produced an assessment tool for the implementation of the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children. It has been designed to support the advocacy activities of SOS Children's Villages. The tool’s main focus is to measure a state’s obligations under the UNCRC, in providing quality care arrangements for all children who have lost parental care and those families at risk of separation

Mary Dozier, Charles H. Zeanah, Allison R. Wallin, and Carole Shauffer - The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues,

In this article, the authors briefly review the history of institutional care and surrogate care. They then discuss why institutional care is at odds with children’s needs, and review the empirical evidence regarding the effects of institutional care on young children’s development.

Better Care Network and EveryChild ,

The paper provides a clear agenda for action for reversing the neglect of childhood disability in child care reform and points towards several key policy recommendations.