
Displaying 3701 - 3710 of 4204

List of Organisations


Provides a broad range of dynamic group exercises on preventing, identifying, and responding to child protection by non-specialists.

European Commission Daphne Programme, WHO Regional Office, University of Birmingham,

Comprehensive manual on the theory and process of deinstitutionalization based on the experiences of childcare professionals across the European region.

Save the Children UK and World Vision UK,

Opinion editorial on risks associated with using intercountry adoption as an emergency response to the needs of children in Haiti.

Inter-Agency Group,

Guidance on use of early psychosocial interventions in humanitarian responses to help to mitigate the effect of trauma, alleviating psychological distress, and strengthen resiliency.

International Social Service ,

Discusses risks associated with using adoption in emergency settings. Additional consideration given on where adoptions can be safely and appropriately facilitated for children with adoptions underway prior to the earthquake.

Joint Council on International Children’s Services ,

Online update on concerns around promoting adoption in an emergency context.

Disasters Emergency Committee - ReliefWeb,

Member agencies of the Disasters Emergency Committee are calling for international focus to remain on reuniting children who have lost their families during the earthquake in Haiti rather than adopting them out of the country.

Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute,

The Adoption Institute offers this policy brief, with the purpose of examining the role of intercountry adoption in situations such as the one caused by the tsunami – that is, during natural disasters, armed conflicts, and other complex human emergencies

Hague Conference on Private and International Law ,

In this Information Note, the Hague Convention urges that the focus in emergencies should first be on child protection, rather than adoption. In the spirit of this Recommendation, it is clear that in a disaster situation, like that brought about by the earthquake, efforts to reunite a displaced child with his or her parents or family members must take priority. Premature and unregulated attempts to organise the adoption of such a child abroad should be avoided.

Child Protection Working Group,

Address key messages and considerations for preventing separation; ensuring identification, tracing and family reunification is prioritized; and facilitating interim care, alternative care and adoption where necessary.