
Displaying 3921 - 3930 of 4204

List of Organisations


One-page flow-chart diagram outlining the purpose of and relationship between assessment, monitoring, and evaluation processes.

Katie Chapman,

This paper focuses on the impact of one form of demand-side policy option - social transfers, particularly cash transfers and vouchers - on access to health and education services by the extreme poor.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),

A list of bi-lateral and multilateral funding agencies for child protection. Includes names, email addresses, and particular area of focus.

Christopher Bold, Mary Henderson, and Rachel Baggaley,

A guide for faith-based organizations working in developing countries on issues related to orphans and vulnerable children. Contains examples of successful community-based and family support care programs throughout the world that are run by faith-based groups. Discourages the use of institutional care and orphanages.

International Social Services and International Reference Centre for the Rights of the Child Deprived of their Family (ISS/IRC),

A 2-page fact sheet that discusses the conditions under which a child may or may not be eligible for adoption. Discusses legal implications and the role of local social services.

International Social Services and International Reference Centre for the Rights of the Child Deprived of their Family (ISS/IRC),

A 2-page fact sheet outlining the general priniciples to be taken into account regarding international adoption. Discusses the "adoptability" of children who have not lost their parents, but are abandoned or made vulnerable by poverty.

International Social Service and International Reference Center for the Rights of Children Deprived of their Family (ISS/IRC),

A brief 2-page document that highlights the importance of child participation, post care planning, guarding against abuse, and connecting residential institutions with the surrounding community.

International Social Service and International Reference Center for the Rights of Children Deprived of their Family (ISS/IRC),

A brief 2-page overview of appropriate residential institution characteristics. Includes information on staffing, and the optimum size of each family-like unit.

International Social Service and International Reference Center for the Rights of Children Deprived of their Family (ISS/IRC),

A brief 2-page overview of what steps should be taken if and when a social worker or other community worker admits a child to a residential institution.


Guidelines for when and how to make a decision regarding the best interests of the child in the case of emergencies. Includes useful information for addressing unaccompanied and separated children including, temporary and alternative care arrangements, tracing and reunification, and child participation.