
Displaying 4111 - 4120 of 4204

List of Organisations

Action for the Rights of Children,

Discusses the importance, benefits and challenges to community mobilisation for refugees and other displaced persons, with a particular emphasis on children. Includes facilitators notes, participatory exercises, overheads, and handouts.

Action for the Rights of Children,

Resource pack for a course introducing the skills necessary for communicating with children. Includes facilitator’s notes, exercises, and handouts, as well as a list of relevant resources.

Action for the Rights of Children,

Resource pack for a course in child and adolescent development. Emphasis on identifying threats to childhood development and strategies to promote development in adverse conditions. Includes facilitators notes, participatory exercises, overheads, and handouts.

Marc Sommers,

An overview of the key challenges surrounding youth in crisis and the framework for dealing with these issues based on Save the Children principles in youth programming. Includes detailed examination of international programming examples.

Charlotte Lindsey,

This article seeks to draw attention to some of the issues affecting women detainees and the applicable international humanitarian standards which afford them protection and assistance.

Karl Dorning and Tim O’Shaughnessy,

Summarizes an empowerment evaluation of the Street and Working Children Program in Yangon and Mandalay. Includes detailed methodology and lessons learned.


A comprehensive tool kit providing a methodology, questionnaire and software for assessing the needs of young children affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Used to help design of service programs, secure funding, and monitor and evaluate programs specifically targeting the needs of young children and their families.

Gillian Mann ,

This report reviews existing the literature on separated children and examines childhood, family, childcare practices and separation. It highlights the importance of context and child participation in designing programs and policies to assist separated children.

Glen Miles and Paul Stevenson,

A series that provides a framework for good practice and guidelines for those who work in the area of child development policy. The series delves particularly into residential care and other alternatives of care and makes suggestions for reform by evaluating 6 case studies of good practice examples.

Anthony Levine (Editor),

A report recording the proceedings of a conference co-sponsored by the World Bank and World Vision. The two-day conference sought to promote awareness of OVC issues around the world, to provide practitioners with a forum to share best practices and other insights, and to probe the role of social protection in implementing a balanced response. Participants included but were not limited to: community and donor organizations, NGOs.