
Displaying 3721 - 3730 of 4113

List of Organisations

International Social Service,

International Social Service’s first segment of the series addresses the historical background and the principles and objectives of the Guidelines

Terre des hommes,

A comparative study on the ethical responsibility of receiving countries of intercountry adoption.

USAID, Save the Children & AED,

Provides principles of program design and technical recommendations for effective field interventions

E.J. Graff, Foreign Policy Magazine,

Documents the potential hazards and misconceptions surrounding intercountry adoption

Daniela Reale - Save the Children UK,

This report from Save the Children examines the experiences of “children on the move,” the types of supports they need, and how protection systems can be adapted to meet those needs. 

International Social Service - ISS,

Durant les mois précédant l’adoption des lignes directrices par l’Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies, une nouvelle série spéciale du Bulletin s’est intéressee aux principes et recommandations qu’elles consacrent, ainsi qu’à leurs implications concrètes pour la protection des enfants pris en charge.

HCCH - Conference de la Haye de droit international prive,

Ces publications sont plus particulièrement destinées aux Autorités des Membres de la Conférence chargées d’appliquer les Conventions et peuvent représenter une source d’information utile pour les praticiens – juges, avocats, huissiers, travailleurs socia.

Kevin Browne and Shihning Chou,

In this commentary, Kevin Browne and Shihning Chou focus on the issues raised by the critical responses to their article in Adoption & Fostering.

Joint Learning Initiative on Children Affected by AIDS: Learning Group on Families,

This review explores the short- and long-term implications of migration for families in the context of HIV and AIDS, focusing mainly on sub-Saharan Africa.

UNICEF Indonesia ,

Contains guidance on how to develop programs to respond to the psychosocial needs of children affected by emergencies. Includes a training schedule, worksheets, and handouts.