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List of Organisations


Climate-induced displacement is an option of last resort. It preys on those who are unable to adapt to the ecological and social consequences of climate change, whether due to lack of resources or other inequities. For most of these people, climate-induced displacement is triggered by direct physical harm from extreme weather events or slow-onset impacts, but also by indirect consequences on food insecurity and conflict over natural resources and land rights.


Les déplacements causés par le climat constituent une option de dernier recours. Ils concernent les personnes qui ne sont pas en capacité de s’adapter aux conséquences écologiques et sociales du changement climatique, en raison d’un manque de ressources ou d’autres inégalités.


This report outlines the causes and consequences of climate-induced displacement, and how the triple injustice of climate change, poverty and gender inequality must be met by transformative action: to support more gender-equal and resilient communities in sustainable environments.

Amy Fallon - Devex,

“It can be challenging to undo some of the misconceptions around orphanages,” Lucy Halton, advocacy and campaigns manager at Lumos, told Devex in an email. “Traditional positive views of orphanages as helping children run deep, and require hard work to challenge.”

Child Identity Protection (CHIP),

Dainius Puras, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to physical and mental health (2014 to 2020) and CHIP Special Advisor, discusses the importance of identity rights from a non-legal perspective.

Dave S. Pasalich, Benjamin Aquilina, Alison Hassall, Natalie Goulter, Nakiya Xyrakis, Anderson Khoo,

This paper provides the first conceptual model for, and systematic scoping review of, callousness/unemotionality in children and young people with experiences of alternative care across the globe.

Rhiannon Evans, Sarah MacDonald, Rob Trubey, Jane Noyes, Michael Robling, Simone Willis, Maria Boffey, Charlotte Wooders, Soo Vinnicombe, G. J. Melendez-Torres ,

This global systematic review aimed to synthesise the international evidence base for interventions targeting subjective wellbeing, mental health and suicide amongst care-experienced young people aged ≤ 25 years.


Join ECDAN for the launch of the Nurturing Care Framework Progress Report 2018-2023: Reflections and Looking Forward. This webinar will reflect on achievements (2018 to 2023) across the five strategic actions of the Framework and define areas that merit further attention going forward.

The Hague Conference on Private International Law – HCCH Permanent Bureau,

This toolkit provides Central Authorities with a template for how they could respond to queries from victims of illegal and illicit adoptions.

Changing the Way We Care,

The International Conference on Financing for Better Care