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List of Organisations

Emiel Coltof and Abigail Munroe,

This Global Thematic Review examines the growing evidence of the links between the institutionalisation of children and human trafficking. It highlights how the relationship between the two compounds the harmful nature of both phenomena and offers insight into the global response needed.

Biennial Conference on Alternative Care for Children in Asia (BICON),

Register now for #BICON2021 and join this first of its kind regional forum to discuss ways in which organisations and countries can collaborate to strengthen the rights of children in Asia while preventing family separation. Find out more about this virtual event hosted 8th & 9th December.

Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform,

This webinar, co-hosted with the Martin James Foundation, explores lessons learned in the development and strengthening of foster care systems in a number of countries and contexts, including emerging foster care systems in Bulgaria, Uganda, Cambodia, and Bangladesh as well as the more established foster care system in the UK, with a view to examining challenges and successes in implementation.

Transitioning Children's Care Global Collaborative Care,

This webinar, co-hosted with the Martin James Foundation, will explore lessons learned in the development and strengthening of foster care systems in a number of countries and contexts, including emerging foster care systems in Bulgaria, Uganda, Cambodia, and Bangladesh as well as the more established foster care system in the UK, with a view to examining challenges and successes in implementation. The webinar will be moderated by Rebecca Smith, Global Head of Child Protection Programmes, Save the Children International.

SAYes Mentoring,

The purpose of this event series is to bring care experienced people and supporters from all over the world together to connect, expand and create new ideas for change. The Uganda Care Leavers Organisation (UCL) will lead this presentation.

Collaborative on Global Children's Issues and the Georgetown University Center for Child, Human Development,
    The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

    Understanding the risks and responses to children’s caregiving environment during COVID-19 remains limited. This is especially the case in humanitarian settings. This brief, therefore, aims to report what is known so far during the pandemic. The brief focuses on strategies to strengthen the caregiving environment through family- and community-based approaches. It also offers a series of case studies from various humanitarian and emergency contexts.

    Changing the Way We Care,

    Esta Ruta de Coordinación, fue construida y diseñada de manera participativa y liderada por CTWWC Guatemala, con el objeto de articular de manera eficiente y coordinada los esfuerzos que los profesionales de las instituciones gubernamentales y municipales vinculadas a la prevención y proteccion, deben promover, gestionar y facilitar la derivación a los servicios sociales y especializados que permitan la prevención de la separación familiar innecesaria de los niños, niñas o adolescentes de su entorno familiar, basando las acciones en la metodología de manejo de casos y priorizando ante cualquier desición que se tome, la observacnia del interés superior del niño

    Rebecca Nhep and Hannah Won - Better Care Network & Kinnected, an intitiative of ACC International Relief, with support from Changing the Way We Care,

    Esta herramienta tiene como objetivo ayudar a los profesionales a lograr los siguientes objetivos al brindar apoyo técnico a las instituciones en transición:

    Better Care Network and Kinnected,

    La Aldea Infantil Lighthouse se estableció en 2004 como una institución de atención residencial de gestión privada y financiada con fondos privados. En 2014, su donante principal desde hace mucho tiempo tomó la decisión de eliminar gradualmente la atención institucional de apoyo financiero. Este estudio de caso destaca algunas de las señales de advertencia tempranas y el posterior descubrimiento de comportamientos no éticos y delictivos que a veces se pueden observar en un proceso de transición.