Middle East & North Africa

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List of Organisations


Global Strategy – Beyond Detention 2014-2019 is a document released by UNHCR, which aims to support governments to end the detention of asylum-seekers and refugees.  

Michal Mahat-Shamir, Bilha Davidson Arad, Guy Shilo, Ronit Adler, Ronit D Leichtentritt - Journal of Social Work,

This qualitative study explores the unique views about the family system held by adolescents who have spent years in foster care in Israel. 

Women’s Link Worldwide ,

This report by Women’s Link Worldwide tells the stories of twelve women who fled the bombings and violence in Syria only to end up trapped in Piraeus, Greece, deprived of their most basic rights.

Yafit Sulimani-Aidan - The British Journal of Social Work,

 This paper aims to address the role of future expectations among young people leaving care in the context of resilience theory and emerging adulthood theory.


This report from UNICEF highlights the many dangers, risks, and challenges faced by unaccompanied refugee and migrant children travelling to Europe on their own to escape conflict, poverty, or other forms of oppression.

BBC News,

This video from the BBC tells the story of a 16 year-old unaccompanied minor from Syria, named Omar. The video features Omar’s illustrations of his journey from Syria to Calais.

John Davison - Reuters Investigates,

This article from Reuters discusses the complicated issue of birth registration for Syrian refugee children and shines light on the growing number of “stateless” children as the Syrian refugee crisis escalates. 


The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is seeking a Child Protection (CP) Case Management Coaching Manager to support the capacity building of the CP case management system in Lebanon on multiple levels. 

Amanda Figueras - The Islamic Monthly,

Aysha Albusmait, a single woman in her 50s living in Dubai, adopted a young girl named Reem when Reem was 3 years old. Her actions, say the article, are helping to break down taboos around adoption in the Gulf region.

BBC News,

This article discusses Tunisia's anti-drug laws that mandate automatic, one-year sentences, which has led to overcrowded prisons and separation of families. The author describes recent encounters with imprisoned women, including some who were imprisoned for smoking marijuana.