Middle East & North Africa

Displaying 201 - 210 of 293

List of Organisations

Amanda Bailly,

This documentary video tells the story of Sham, a single mother from Syria seeking safety in Europe.

International Rescue Committee,

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives.


This report from UNICEF shines light on the dangers of the Central Mediterranean Migration Route for children and the particular vulnerability of unaccompanied migrant minors traveling along this route.

Save the Children,

Save the Children is looking for a Child Protection Manager to work in its Kirkuk, Iraq office. 

UNICEF Tunisia,

Dans le cadre du projet « Chaque enfant a droit à une famille », financé par la Coopération italienne qui a été mise en place, le bureau de l’UNICEF en Tunisie lance un appel d’offre international pour la recherche d’un consortium/institution/bure


This document provides analysis of child protection needs and risks at the government level to support child protection actors in programmed development, resource mobilasation and advocacy.

Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizers - Reliefweb,

This article from Reliefweb states that 20,000 people were recently evacuated from Aleppo.  The majority of which were children, women and families.

BBC News,

Per this article from the BBC, Syrian refugee children have been making clothes for British shoppers. 

Save the Children,

According to this press release from Save the Children, thousands of families are fleeing to dirty overcrowded refugee camps in Syria.  

Inter-Agency Coordination - Lebanon,

The quarterly dashboard summarizes the progress made by partners involved in the Lebanon Crisis Response and highlights trends a!ecting people in need.