Middle East & North Africa

Displaying 251 - 260 of 293

List of Organisations

Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz, Mona Khoury-Kassabri - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study, based on a sample of 1,324 Jewish and Arab adolescents aged 11–19 in 32 RCSs, examines the prevalence and multilevel correlates of verbal (such as cursing) and indirect (such as social exclusion) forms of victimization by peers in residential care facilities.

Zeina Allouche - The Legal Agenda ,

This article from The Legal Agenda provides an overview of illegal adoptions in Lebanon, including the history of adoption, the systems that perpetuate the practice of illegal adoption in Lebanon, and the various forms of illegal adoptions that occur in the country.

Save the Children,

This Album on Kinship Care is a compilation of the works of Syrian refugee children in kinship care and their adult caregivers who took part in the participatory action research undertaken by Save the Children and the Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation in Jordan in 2014 in the Zaatari Camp and in the city of Amman.

Save the Children,

This Album on Kinship Care is a compilation of the works of Syrian refugee children in kinship care and their adult caregivers who took part in the participatory action research undertaken by Save the Children and the Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation in Jordan in 2014 in the Zaatari Camp and in the city of Amman.

Zeina Allouche - The Legal Agenda,

This article offers commentary by alternative care expert Zeina Allouche outlining the responsibilities of care centres and the government of Lebanon under international law in regards to the abuses that occur in institutional settings. 

UNICEF Tunisie,

La Cooperation italienne et l'UNICEF ont lancé un projet dédié à la désinstitutionalisation des enfants privés de milieu familial en Tunisie. Le projet intervient dans le domaine de la protection de l'enfance, et vise à contribuer à ce que les enfants vulnérables et notamment les enfants nés hors mariage, les enfants et les adolescents en situation de danger ou handicapés puissent jouir de leurs droits et bénéficier d’un environnement familial de qualité, propice à leur garantir un bien-être et un développement harmonieux. 

Pr Anne-Marie Moulin - Directeur de recherche CNRS UMR,

Rapport de capitalisation sur le volet médicosocial du projet « Tamkine-Migrants » 2011 – 2014 d’appui à la prise en charge de femmes migrantes enceintes et de leurs enfants.


Sarah Sagely Klotz, Faith to Action Initiative,

In this opinion piece, Sarah Sagley Klotz shares her experience of growing up in a small Christian community in the US, learning about the needs of the world from sermons and videos, and later fully realizing the hardships of vulnerable and orphaned children in the developing world through her travels to Mongolia and North Africa. 

Tamar Dinisman,

Many young people rely on their parents when they transition into adulthood.  Young people transitioning out of alternative care rarely have that option. 

Doha International Family Institution – International Conference ,

This is a Call to Action issued by the Doha International Family Institute commemorating the International Year of the Family.