Regions & Countries

Displaying 4291 - 4300 of 14476

Family for Every Child,

Family Alliance is currently looking to recruit new trustees for its Board.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

In this webinar, Zeinab and the Case Management Task Force hosts a discussion on adapting child protection case management in the context of COVID-19.

Educación del Diálogo Interamericano, Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN) y la Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de UNICEF,

El programa de Educación del Diálogo Interamericano, Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN) y la Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de UNICEF convocan un seminario virtual para reflexionar sobre cómo la emergencia ha afectado a la primera infancia y qué respuestas están organizando los gobiernos para responder a la cambiante situación y asegurar que los objetivos de desarrollo infantil continúan recibiendo la atención necesaria.

Elisabetta Biffi & Chiara Carla Montà - Documentation in Institutional Contexts of Early Childhood,

This paper, by drawing on the different meanings held by documentation in ECEC contexts, in terms of viewing it as ‘equipped with agentic power’ (Alasuutari and Kelle 2015) reflects on the meanings of (pedagogical) documentation in alternative care settings, as a transitional space between ‘being spoken for’ and ‘speaking for oneself’, in light of a rights-based and pedagogical framework.

Martin James Foundation,

This practice briefing aims to support carers and practitioners to talk and listen to children and young people in alternative care about Covid-19

ECDAN, Inter-American Dialogue (IAD) and UNICEF's Regional Office for Latin America ,

ECDAN along with the Inter-American Dialogue (IAD) and UNICEF's Regional Office for Latin America will convene a webinar in Spanish to reflect on how COVID-19 has affected early childhood and what responses governments in Latin America are preparing to address the changing situation and to ensure that early childhood development goals continue to receive the necessary attention.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and UNICEF,

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and UNICEF facilitated this webinar to discuss the guidance in the Technical Note on COVID-19 and Children Deprived of their Liberty and some of the successes and challenges in protecting the rights of children in detention during the pandemic.

Mia Anne Polizzotto - Family Court Review,

This Note proposes a model New York state statute that will recognize the importance of children's visitation with incarcerated parents, implement “child friendly” visitation programs, facilitate training for prison staff, and provide transportation for children in major cities to the prison facilities.

Emily P. Taylor, Simona Di Folco, Melanie Dupin, Heather Mithen, Luis Wen, Lilian Rose, Kirsty Nisbet - Child & Family Social Work,

Using routine data from a kinship care helpline service, this study employed a mixed‐method analysis of the association between socioeconomic deprivation and risk factors reported by kinship carers in the UK and explored social capital in kinship families.

Save the Children,

These tip sheets from Save the Children provide recommendations for disability inclusion during COVID-19 across a range of thematic areas and topics, including education, cash transfers, health, and nutrition.