Regions & Countries

Displaying 6611 - 6620 of 14435

Heather A. Turner, Jennifer Vanderminden, David Finkelhor, Sherry Hamby - Child Maltreatment,

Using a pooled data set of two waves of the National Surveys of Children’s Exposure to Violence, this study investigates links between indicators of socioeconomic resources and lifetime exposure to two different forms of child neglect (physical and supervisory), examines how neglect is associated with the risk of other types of victimization, and estimates the impact of neglect on trauma symptoms.

Belema Sekibo - Emerging Adulthood,

This article examines the aftercare experiences of young people who have recently left a residential care institution in Lagos State, Nigeria.

Nicole B. Perry, Carrie E. DePasquale, Philip H. Fisher, Megan R. Gunnar - Child Maltreatment,

The current study compared behavioral and adrenocortical functioning of maltreated and comparably aged (1.5–3 years) institutionally-reared children soon after (1.5–2.5 months) placement in foster care or adoptive homes, respectively.

The Conversation - BBC,

This episode of the Conversation podcast from the BBC features interviews and discussion with two women who grew up in institutions as young children, one in the UK and the other in Kenya. 

The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,

The Global Initiative is seeking a creative and dedicated Development Manager who can help them use their expertise to become a fully sustainable and influential organisation.

Chabier Gimeno-Monterde & José David Gutiérrez-Sánchez - ,

The increase in the arrival of unaccompanied minors to Europe rises as a new challenge for the local authorities responsible for the reception. The comparison of two cross-border regions shows the possibility of transferring successful practices between European states.

Faith to Action Initiative,

The Faith to Action Initiative is seeking a Director of Engagement.

Terre des hommes,

Terre des hommes is seeking a Regional Programme Manager for Children and Youth in Migration.

Save the Children,

This series of videos highlights Save the Children's work in Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico to protect migrant and returnee children. 

Lindsay Huffhines & Yo Jackson - Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma,

The goals of this study were 1) to examine this relation in youth placed in foster care with high levels of maltreatment exposure, and 2) to investigate the relation between maltreatment frequency and acute pain, and maltreatment frequency and general chronic health condition.