Regions & Countries

Displaying 6661 - 6670 of 14435

Andrea Lane Eastman, Lindsey Palmer, Eunhye Ahn - Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal,

This comprehensive literature review adds to the knowledge of pregnant and parenting mothers in foster care and their children by identifying and summarizing all relevant studies published between 2011 and 2017.

Anthony R. Barnes, Jodi L. Constantine Brown, David McCarty-Caplan - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study explores how historical trauma has impacted American Indian tribes' trust in today's US public child welfare agencies.

Robyn Dixon - Los Angeles Times,

"About 69 million rural children [in China] are left behind while one or both parents work far away, according to UNICEF," says this article from the Los Angeles Times. The article discusses the ways in which these "left-behind children" in rural areas of China lack access to education and lag behind their urban peers in educational attainment.


The overall purpose of this consultancy will be to finalise the 5 -year strategic document on violence against children for CARICOM Region. 

Beth Bradford - CRS, Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children (4Children),

Written for USAID and PEPFAR implementing partners, with a focus on OVC practitioners, this is a user-friendly compendium of current resources, information and job aids for early childhood care, stimulation and education.

Dillon T. Browne, Jacqueline Johnson, Erin Beatty, Mary Price Cameron, Duane Durham, Aron Shlonsky - Developmental Child Welfare,

The present study describes a community implementation of treatment foster care (TFC) for children and youth involved with child welfare in Ontario, Canada.

Anders Hjern, Bo Vinnerljung, Lars Brännström - Developmental Child Welfare,

To inform decisions about permanent care arrangements, the authors of this study used Swedish national population registers to create a sibling population consisting of 194 children born 1973–1982 who had been in out-of-home care (OHC) at least 5 years before adolescence but were never adopted (50% boys) and their 177 maternal birth siblings who also had been in OHC at least 5 years before their teens but were adopted before adolescence (52.5% boys).

Nick Midgley, Antonella Cirasola, Chloe Austerberry, Erica Ranzato, Grace West, Peter Martin, Sheila Redfern, Richard Cotmore, Theresa Park - Developmental Child Welfare,

This study presents the feasibility and pilot evaluation of the Reflective Fostering Programme (RFP), a recently developed, group-based program to support foster carers, based on the concept of “reflective parenting.”

Reveal - Center for Investigative Reporting, The Guardian,

This animated video shared by the Guardian tells the story of the separation of a young boy from his mother at the US border with Mexico upon their entry into the US from Guatemala.


El presente folleto incluye información para preparar a los niños y niñas para que regresen a sus hogares o ingresen a servicios de atención basados en una familia sustituta.