Regions & Countries

Displaying 6761 - 6770 of 14435

Kabo Diraditsile and Gosego Ivy Mmeanyana - Botswana Notes and Records,

Using the Attachment Theory as a guiding framework, this study sought to explore the effects of prolonged residential care for children.

Elena Bauer, Olesya Istrofilova, Asil Salavatova - Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,

This article summarizes and analyzes the successful regional experience of foster care in Russia; the authors presented models of interaction between authorities, children and educators, allowing to create conditions for the formation of a socially responsible person, focused on the values of education.

Veronika Odinokova, Maia Rusakova -   The Journal of Social Policy Studies. Volume,

This study raised the following research questions: To what extent is the right of a child separated from his or her natural parents to participate in decisionmaking respected? How does involvement in decision-making impact their psychosocial wellbeing?

Abigail Harris - University of Leicester,

This study aimed to explore the psychometric properties of the BERRI in its current form for use with Looked After Children (LAC) in residential care and to explore whether these properties might be enhanced through the extraction of factors.

Lisa Dickens and Adrian van Breda - Girls and Boys Town South Africa in partnership with the Department of Social Work, University of Johannesburg,

This report presents the quantitative findings of the Growth Beyond the Town longitudinal research study since its inception in 2012 up until the end of 2018.

Anna Klepikova - The Journal of Social Policy Studies,

This paper applies the concept of total institutions, introduced by Erving Goffman, to the case of special care institutions for people [including children] with intellectual disabilities in present-day Russia.

Kathryn Higgins, Dr Melanie Bracewell, Dr Vicki Walker,

This report presents a summary of key achievements and future plans for Nottinghamshire County CCGs (excluding Bassetlaw) and Nottingham City CCG in the UK to fulfil their duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of looked after children

Helen Connolly - Amnesty International UK, the Refugee Council and Save the Children,

In this report, Amnesty International UK, the Refugee Council and Save the Children expose how the UK Government’s policy on refugee family reunion is damaging the lives of children in the UK, and how its justifications for the policy are unsubstantiated.

Megan R. Gunnar and Brie M. Reid - Annual Review of Developmental Psychology,

This article reviews the modern literature on the impact of institutional care from animal models to longitudinal studies in humans.

Dio Nugraha Rizki, Zainul Daulay, Beatrix Benni - International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding,

This article explores the inheritance rights of Indonesian citizens adopted by foreign nationals in terms of Indonesian inheritance law.