Regions & Countries

Displaying 8451 - 8460 of 14429

Ka Brian Ho Chor, Hanno Petras, Alfred G. Pérez - Journal of Child and Family Studies,

This sudy sought to deepen understanding of the underlying patterns of services receipt of the  John F. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) to prepare for youth’s successful transition to adulthood. The authors used multi-level latent class analysis (MLCA) to identify underlying combinations of service receipt that may be influenced by youth-level and state-level characteristics.

Richard Wexler - Youth Today,

In this piece for Youth Today, Richard Wexler - executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform - calls out child protection policies in the US for too often unnecessarily removing children from poor families due to parental mental illness and what the child protection agencies deem as inability to raise children "independently." 

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

Applications for the next two-year term of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance's Ambassador Program, beginning in September 2018, are now being accepted through January 8. 


La FICR y el SSI, en nombre de un grupo directivo interagencial, solicitan ofertas para una consultoría institucional con el fin de desarrollar un curso en línea abierto a todos sobre los cuidados alternativos para los NNA en el contexto de la migración internacional.


La FICR et le SSI, au nom d’un groupe directeur inter-agences, lancent un appel pour une Consultance institutionnelle afin de développer un cours en ligne ouvert à tous concernant la prise en charge adéquate des enfants dans le contexte de la migration internationale.


IFRC and ISS on behalf of an inter-agency steering group are requesting offers for an Institutional Consultancy to develop a Massive Open Online Course focusing on appropriate care for children in the context of international migration.

Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Jaclyn Abraham, Arup Kumar Ghosh, Pamela Wisniewski - Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Supporting Groupwork,

This paper focuses on understanding how the key stakeholders of the foster care system work together, as well as the systems that facilitate collaboration.

April Joy Damian, Joseph J. Gallo, Tamar Mendelson - Children and Youth Services Review,

The purpose of this study was to assess the perspective of social service providers who participated in a nine-month, trauma-informed care (TIC) training intervention on 1) their capacity to make referrals to trauma-specific services following the training, and 2) factors external to the training intervention that supported or hindered their ability to link traumatized youth with services.

Austin J. Blake, Irene Tung, Audra K. Langley, Jill M. Waterman - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study examined whether the prospective association between cumulative pre-adoptive risk (e.g., maltreatment, age at placement, foster placement instability, ever having lived with birth parent) and adolescent/young-adult substance use was mediated by childhood internalizing and externalizing problems in youth adopted from foster care.