Regions & Countries

Displaying 9691 - 9700 of 14428

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,

This briefing highlights how prohibition of all corporal punishment of children in Africa is an essential step towards fulfilling the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - particularly target 16.2 to end all violence against children, and targets related to health, well-being and quality education - and Africa’s Agenda for Children 2040: Fostering an Africa Fit for Children.

Tuhinul Islam & Leon Fulcher (Editors) - The CYC-Net Press,

Edited by Tuhinul Islam and Leon Fulcher, Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World: European Perspectives is the second volume in a series of four, bringing together contributions from local practitioners, educators and researchers throughout Europe on their countries' residential child and youth care traditions, policies and practices, as well as knowledge about children's needs, rights and personal upbringing there.


Among the millions of children on the move worldwide, many – including hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children and adolescents – undertake dangerous journeys. This report shows how the lack of safe and legal pathways for refugee and migrant children feeds a booming market for human smuggling and puts them at risk of violence, abuse and exploitation. Building on recent UNICEF policy proposals, it sets out ways that governments can better protect these vulnerable children.

Margaret H. Lloyd, Becci A. Akin, Jody Brook - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study seeks to contribute to the literature on child welfare and parental drug use in the United States by answering several research questions.

Catholic Relief Services,

Catholic Relief Services is seeking a Technical Advisor to work in its Baltimore, United States' office.


The International Centre (IC) in partnership with Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) ,

The International Centre (IC) in partnership with Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) requests information about documents and/or related materials on participatory work with children and young people in research or consultation on sexual violence (or related subjects). 

European Youth Parliament,

This Resolution Booklet includes the motions and resolution adopted by the European Youth Parliament at its 2017 meeting.

Charles A. Nelson - Spectrum News,

In this article, the researcher Charles Nelon describes the impacts of psychosocial deprivation, common among children living in institutions, on children's development and its relationship to autism.

Philippine Red Cross,

Philippine Red Cross is seeking a Child Protection Officer for its Metro Manila office.

Amber Peterman, Anastasia (Naomi) Neijhoft, Sarah Cook, Tia M Palermo - Health Policy and Planning,

This paper reviews evidence and develops a framework to understand linkages between non-contributory social safety nets (SSNs) and the experience of childhood emotional, physical and sexual violence in low- and middle-income countries.