Regions & Countries

Displaying 12301 - 12310 of 14579

Dini, M et Meunier, M.,

La commission des affaires sociales du Sénat a demande une mission sur la protection de l'enfance afin d'étudier la mise en oeuvre de la loi de 2007 réformant la protection de l'enfance. Cet état des lieux plaide pour des ajustements et des évolutions répondant à trois objectifs : améliorer la gouvernance nationale et locale de la protection de l'enfance ; rendre le système plus efficace à tous les stades et sécuriser le parcours de l'enfant protégé.

Kingdom of Lesotho,

This Multisectoral National Strategy for Child Protection builds on a mapping and assessment of Lesotho’s current child protection system, which drew together many stakeholders to consider how best to move forward on child protection in

Gentiana Qirjako, Genc Burazeri and Erka Amursi ,

This study described the magnitude of physical abuse during childhood in a representative sample of young adults selected from public universities in Albania, and to identify relationship between socioeconomic characteristics and behavioural/lifestyle factors associated with adverse childhood experiences.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network ,

This factsheet from the US National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides useful information to parents and caregivers of children who have experienced complex trauma.

Amir Murtaza - A Safe World for Women,

Due to increasing incidents of violence, exploitation, neglect, and abuse of children, the government, NGOs, INGOs, and UN agencies have taken several steps to protect the children in the country.

Nina Biehal, Linda Cusworth, Jim Wade with Susan Clarke - NSPCC & University of York ,

This study, from the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in the UK, focuses on those children in alternative care who experience abuse or neglect at the hands of their caretakers or guardians who are responsible for ensuring their wellbeing.

Dr Helen Baños Smith - CWISH, with support from Family for Every Child ,

This report documents a study of the reintegration of child domestic workers in Nepal.

Community Child Protection Exchange,

In this post from Community Child Protection Exchange, Sarah Lilley - Deputy Head of Child Protection, Save the Children UK and Coordinator for the Inter-Agency Learning Initiative on Community-Based Child Protection Mechanisms and Child Protection Systems - reflects on the last five years of building an evidence base on community-based child protection mechanisms.


This Review, commissioned by UNICEF Bulgaria, is aimed at informing the recommendations for the Bulgarian Government’s Action Plan for the implementation of the National Strategy ‘Vision for Deinstitutionalisation of Children in Bulgaria.’

Permanent Bureau, Hague Conference on International Private Law,

To address the issues related to the financial aspects of intercountry adoptions, the Hague Convention initiated an Experts’ Group, which met in October 2012 and produced nine Conclusions and Recommendations, which they brought to the Permanent Bureau to publish as a “Note”.