Regions & Countries

Displaying 13141 - 13150 of 14579

Government of Burundi, International Rescue Committee, UNICEF,

The report of this study responds to the objectives of identifying all the residential centres for children in Burundi, including the number of children residing in them; analysing the situation of children living in the centres and developing recommendations for the next steps

Plan, Save the Children, TRG, UNICEF, World Vision ,

This Resource Guide aims to be a user-friendly and manageable document designed to provide an overview of the current system strengthening approaches, along with a series of resources and tools available to support systems strengthening in child protection.


Les intervenants à l'événement marquant le deuxième anniversaire des Lignes directrices relatives à la protection de remplacement pour les enfants, ont discuté des voies à suivre pour aller plus loin dans la mise en oeuvre de ces Directives et exhorte la communauté internationale à améliorer la qualité et les normes relatives à la protection des enfants vulnérables.


This press release from UNICEF highlights an inter-agency high-level event commemorating the two year anniversary of the introduction of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children.


Nevbahar Ertas & Susan Shields - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study uses data from the 2005 National Household Education Survey to examine the effects of child care subsidies on the enrollment of low-income children in early childhood education programs.

Noora Barakat - American Bar Association,

This paper explores malnutrition among children in foster care in the U.S. and programs and interventions that help to improve the nutritional health of children in foster care.

Thomas Hammarberg, Commissaire aux droits de l’homme du Conseil de l’Europe,

Selon le Commissaire europeen Thomas Hammarberg il importe que le processus de désinstitutionnalisation amroce depuis quelques annees se poursuive et respecte toujours l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant. Des modes de prise en charge adaptés doivent être établis et soutenus par les autorités, même en période de crise économique.

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, Kingdom of Cambodia,

This Prakas is intended to define roles and responsibilities of relevant competent agencies and establish procedures, operational guides, and forms to implement the Policy on Alternative Care for Children.

UNICEF and Ministry of Women & Children’s Affairs, Ghana ,

This comprehensive situation analysis provides an overview of issues related to public policy, social budget, and service delivery environment affecting children and women in Ghana.

The Columbia Group for Children in Adversity,

This presentation describes research undertaken in Sierra Leone by an inter-agency group to map the child protection system in the country, including the community-based child protection mechanisms (CBCPMs) in place.