Displaying 13121 - 13130 of 14579
Este informe presenta detalles de talleres para favorecer el desarrollo y adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas para lograr una adecuada intervención psicosocial en las poblaciones afectadas por el terremoto/maremoto.
This document contains the national framework for the child protection system in Kenya, developed with the intention of improving linkages between different sectors for more a more coordinated approach to protecting children.
This is an article about therapeutic residential care. Therapeutic residential care (TRC) is becoming an increasingly relevant out-of-home care option for children and young people with multiple and complex needs.
This report reviews Malawi’s national response for children affected by HIV and AIDS. The report notes significant progress made in improving the lives of children affected by HIV and AIDS and offers key recommendations for further improvements to national policies and strategies.
Save the Children Sweden commissioned this follow-up study to explore to what extent in South Africa, African customary law and practice promotes and/or inhibits the protection of children; how the positive impacts can be harnessed for the greater protection of more children; how the negative impacts can be mitigated; and finally how and who should be at the helm of any necessary developments of African customary law.
The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute’s The Way Forward Project brought together a group of international experts to discuss opportunities and challenges facing governmental and non-governmental organization leaders in six African nations (Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, and Uganda) as they work to develop systems of care that serve children in and through their families.
This document analyses the review of 43 impact studies sought to methodically capture the known impacts of economic strengthening programs on the well-being of children (0-18 years) in crisis contexts in low-income countries.
This paper draws on the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) microdata to paint a portrait of child poverty across a diverse group of countries, as of 2004–2006.
This paper attempts to look at the responsiveness of global social policy to addressing multidimensional child poverty, through the experience of UNICEF's Global Study on Child Poverty and Disparities.
This paper presents the historical background for the development of child care in the Nordic countries, it presents some basic figures on child care take and take up of leave schemes as well as figures on child poverty in the Nordic countries.