Displaying 13411 - 13420 of 14579
The Canadian Red Cross has produced a handbook on the prevention of violence against children. The handbook includes specific guidance on preventing violence against vulnerable children, such as children in institutions, children involved in armed conflict and children with disabilities.
This report by the UK-based independent think tank, Demos, considers what the UK care system would look like if it were reconfigured to avoid the delay, instability, and abrupt transitions many young people experience. It demonstrates how this type of system could also be less costly to the states in both the short and long term.
This report, produced by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS provides an update on the global AIDS epidemic as well as information on HIV prevention and treatment, HIV/AIDS as it relates to human rights and gender, HIV investments, HIV/AIDS estimates and data, and country progress indicators and data. Particularly relevant to children’s care are the sections on children orphaned due to the loss of one or both parents to HIV/AIDS.
In 2009 Eurochild carried out a survey of the situation of children in alternative care in Europe through its member organisations. The survey was not intended as a scientifically rigorous research exercise but rather to identify what information is readily available and to note some common trends across Europe.
The study covers all residential child care institutions operating in Armenia, with the purpose of creating a basic baseline for further analysis required for the progressive reduction of placement of children and the development of alternative child care services. The aim of the assessment is to verify the situation of each child in relation to their families, and the respect of their entitlements related to their specific condition.
Using lessons learnt in emergencies, from the genocide in Rwanda to the Asian Tsunami and the earthquake in Haiti, our new report, Misguided Kindness, demonstrates what action is needed to keep families together during crises and to bring separated children back into a safe and nurturing family life.
Child friendly leaflet explaining child abuse, the responsibilities of adults, and who to contact with any concerns.
This "Practical Guide: System for Prevention of Child Separation from the Family" was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child with technical support from the "Support to the Delivery of Efficient and Sustainable Social Assistance Services” project implemented by OPM/EveryChild Moldova, funded by DFID/SIDA.
This report from the International Labor Organization is the first in a series of the World Social Security Reports whose chief aim is to present the results of regular statistical monitoring of the state and developments of social security in the world. It presents the knowledge available on coverage by social security in different parts of the world and identifies existing coverage gaps. It also examines the scale of countries’ investments in social security, measured by the size and structure of social security expenditure and the sources of its financing.
Guidance and forms on preventing institutionalization of children and promoting family unification. The manual includes good practices and lessons learnt, training plans, care planning forms, and assessment guidance.