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Samoa, a member of the Commonwealth, announced that it will host the 2024 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in October 2024 on the theme "One Resilient Common Future: Transforming our Common Wealth".
This article investigates the contemporary transnational and neocolonial characteristics of children’s welfare in the Philippines, drawing on the perspectives of young people in residential care settings as well as the views of programme and policy actors embedded across child protection systems.
This study sought to identify, describe, and correlate cognitive learning abilities among a group of 34 male children, aged 9–13, residing in care facilities in Mexico. This model represents a pioneering strategy in Mexico, aiming to enhance cognitive abilities by leveraging strengths and adopting a perspective grounded in human rights, inclusion, and interculturality.
Bune Practici de Asistență Parentală Profesionistă pentru Copiii cu Nevoi Complexe: Rezultatele analizei preliminare a literaturii de specialitate pentru pregătirea proiectului pilot privind asistența parentală profesionistă specializată în Republica Moldova rezumă cele mai bune practici internaționale în domeniul asistenței parentale profesioniste specializate, și oferă perspective și recomandări esențiale pentru dezvoltarea și extinderea asistenței parentale profesioniste specializate în Republica Moldova.
This report summarizes international best practices of specialized foster care and provides critical insights and recommendations for developing and scaling specialized foster care in Moldova.
“When we approach the family holistically and we use case management tools in matching challenges and problems of the family with the available tools then this will benefit the child,” Roman Zhukovskyi, World Bank Social Protection Specialist, shares learnings regarding the importance of social protection to enable care reform and the role of case management in ensuring effective social protection.
"We cannot do this work alone. The church in the United States of America has led the charge globally to provide solutions to children that no one was willing to care for," says Philip Aspegren, the co-executive director of Casa Viva.
India Alternative Care Network (IACN) invites you to learn more about the mental health issues of children transitioning from institutional care to family-based care on 10 October 2024 at 3:00 - 4:30 pm on Zoom.
Haiti Family Care Network hosts this online workshop on October 10 from 2-3 pm ET to delve deeper into the positive impact economic empowerment programs and activities can have on families as they produce income for families, assist in savings and loans and increase financial literacy. All of this works together to strengthen communities impacted by the challenges of poverty.