Eastern Africa

Displaying 1211 - 1220 of 1525

List of Organisations

Oxford Policy Management,

Cash transfers to households are becoming an increasingly common policy instrument for reducing poverty in some countries of sub-Saharan Africa. This Briefing Note describes a simple ex-ante ‘microsimulation’ tool to determine whether launching a cash transfer programme will have an affordable impact on poverty.

Parenting in Africa Network for the Ultimate Protection of Children ,

This new study by Parenting in Africa Network (PAN) was conducted in three regions in Kenya (Nairobi, Mombasa and Busia), involving primary care givers of children age 0-8, children participating in Early Childhood Development and Education centers, and stakeholders and professionals involved in skillful parenting and early childhood development.

Gillian Morantz, Donald C. Cole, Samuel Ayaya, David Ayuku, and Paula Braitstein - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study aims to determine the prevalence of maltreatment experienced by institutionalized children prior to their admission to Charitable Children's Institutions (orphanages) in western Kenya, and to describe their socio-demographic characteristics, reasons for admission, and the factors associated with prior experiences of maltreatment.

Morantz G, Cole DC, Ayaya S, Ayuku D, Braitstein P.,

This study aims to determine the prevalence of maltreatment experienced by institutionalized children prior to their admission to Charitable Children's Institutions (orphanages) in western Kenya, and to describe their socio-demographic characteris

Stephen Ucembe,

Employing a life course perspective and drawing upon care leavers' stories, along with focus group discussions and views from staff, this paper explores the concept of social capital and the ways in which this influences their lives before care, in care and after care.

SOS Children’s Villages International,

This report presents findings from an assessment of Kenya's implementation of the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children.

Benjamin Sylla, Carina Omoeva, Anne Smiley - FHI360,

This paper analyzes the extent to which official government “child vulnerability” indicators are associated with two important components of educational disadvantage: school enrollment and sixth grade learning outcomes in Uganda.

National Council for Children's Services ,

The Child Protection System Guidelines were developed to address the fragmented response to child protection in Kenya and guide actors at the county level to deliver more coordinated and professional services for children and their families. 

SOS Children’s Villages International,

This report from SOS Children’s Villages assesses Malawi’s compliance with, and implementation of, the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care of Children. 

Tomoko Shibuya et Viviene Taylor ,

S’efforçant de placer la situation des orphelins du Mozambique dans son contexte régional, celui de l’Afrique australe, et s’inspirant d'études sur le terrain tant quantitatives que qualitatives, cet article examine les différents modes de prise en charge des orphelins et la politique de protection qui leur est applicable au Mozambique, en s’intéressant tout particulièrement aux enfants qui vivent dans des centres d'hébergement ou qui fréquentent les foyers d'accueil.