Eastern Africa

Displaying 1341 - 1350 of 1525

List of Organisations

Samuel Kalibala and Lynne Elson,

The Situation Analysis aims to increase the understanding of the scope of the problem of vulnerable children and the response to it, including the full spectrum of core services, in order to facilitate country-wide planning and to inform current and future programming efforts. 

Better Care Network & UNICEF,

L'objectif de ce manuel est de présenter un ensemble d'indicateurs globaux communs pour la prise en charge formelle des enfants, notamment des enfants vivant en institution ou en famille d'accueil suite à un arrangement formel (

Stories as told to Shimelis Tsegaye, ACPF,

Developed while researching child-headed households in five Ethiopian towns and their rural surroundings, this book presents the experiences and stories of individual child household heads.

Rebecca Davis for USAID ,

This document informs stakeholders about the opportunities for and constraints on building the social work workforce within the child welfare sector in Africa.

African Child Policy Forum & International Child Support ,

This publication documents real life stories of selected African parents, shedding light on the multifaceted challenges parents are faced with and the kind of support they need to bring about behavioral change and enhanced capacity.

Save the Children Federation,

Highlights successes and lessons learned from the PC3 Program. Serves as a companion piece to the Toolkit for Positive Change

Save the Children Federation,

Documents the strategies of The Positive Change: Children, Communities and Care (PC3) Program - a five-year (2004-2009) integrated and comprehensive program designed to provide care and support to more than half a million orphaned and vulnerable children and their families throughout the country of Ethiopia.

John-Parry Williams,

Country level evaluation of contributing factors to the establishment of an alternative care system.

Department of Children’s Services Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development,

This technical assessment report uses a transformative social protection framework adapted for studying the provisions and practice in alternative care and adoption in Kenya.

African Child Policy Forum,

Assessment of individual African government's performance in regards to child welfare.