Eastern Africa

Displaying 361 - 370 of 1525

List of Organisations

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, State Department for Social Protection, Department of Children's Services - Republic of Kenya,

The purpose of this situational analysis is to provide a snapshot of charitable children’s institutions (CCIs), other private childcare institutions and statutory children’s institutions (SCIs) in Kenya, and of the children living in them.

SOS Children's Villages,

Vulnerable children and families need a strong social support network that acts as a safety net to effectively and sustainably respond to the situation of children and families at risk.

Save the Children,

This report’s primary purpose is to recommend evidence-based strategies to improve the relevance and effectiveness of field interventions that target development outcomes for migrant girls in Southern Africa.

National Child Development Agency (NCDA), National Commission for Persons with Disabilities - Rwanda, UNICEF Rwanda.,

The Trainers Package is primarily for Government of Rwanda Child Protection and Welfare Officers, representatives of the NCPD and others who work directly with children and families on reintegration of children, including children with disabilities, from residential institutions to family care. It can also provide useful information to people working in other local government roles, for example District Disability Mainstreaming Officers and Gender &
Family Promotion Officers, as well as people working in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or community based systems (for example, Inshuti z’Umuryango - Friends of the Family) who support children and families, and particularly those who have contact with children during the reintegration process.

Organizações da Sociedade Civil ,

No ano de 2019, o mundo foi assolado pela eclosão do novo Coronavírus com os primeiros casos detectados na China.

Plataforma da Sociedade Civil Moçambicana para Protecção Social (PSCM-PS),

Medidas preventivas e de mitigação do impacto do COVID-19 nos grupos vulneráveis e de alto risco entre os beneficiários do PSSB.

Jordan Farrar and Theresa S. Betancourt - Handbook of Political Violence and Children: Psychosocial Effects, Intervention, and Prevention Policy,

This chapter reports on one such intervention, the Family Strengthening Intervention (FSI), initially developed and tested in Rwanda to improve communication and parenting in HIV/AIDS-affected families with school-age children.

Tendayi Garutsa & Mfundo Mandla Masuku - e-Bangi Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities,

To investigate the challenges faced in addressing the needs of orphans and vulnerable children in Marondera, focus group discussions and interviews were utilised. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data in this study and the data was presented in themes.

Tadele Zebrea, Belay Tefera, and Bhatara Mohit - European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine,

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Positive Parenting Program (Triple-P) in enabling mothers to manage stress related to parenting a child with intellectual disability (ID).


This exploratory research led by Kindernothilfe between May – July 2020 shows how the challenges facing working children and their families have been exacerbated since the outbreak and it presents their recommendations for effective and relevant responses to the pandemic.