Eastern Africa

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List of Organisations

The Government of Kenya,

The vision of the National Prevention and Response Plan is to foster a society where all children live free of all forms of violence. Its goal is for all children in Kenya to be protected from physical, sexual and emotional violence, and for those children who experience violence to have access to care, support and services. It aims to reduce the prevalence of childhood violence – that is, a child experiencing at least one form of physical, emotional and sexual violence – by 40 per cent by 2024.

The Guardian,

When Mugalu* was adopted, his birth family says they were told they would still be able to speak to him regularly and he would come back for visits. “They said we would be one big happy family,” says his mother, Sylvia, wiping away tears. But Sylvia, 40, has not seen her son since he was adopted from Uganda almost seven years ago by an American couple. She is now fighting to get her son back, taking her case to the high court in Uganda and exploring her legal options in the US.

ChildFund, Plan International, Save the Children, SOS Children's Villages, Terre des Hommes and World Vision,

This briefing paper sets out how children in Uganda are being affected, and practical recommendations to the Government, donors and other key stakeholders.

Sarah Munthali - All Africa,

"Children who were fostered by the Social Welfare Office in 1997 and were allegedly given to an orphanage, were reunited with their biological mother at an emotional ceremony on Monday in Mchinji," according to this article.

AfriChild: The Center for the Study of the African Child and the Care and Protection of Children (CPC) Learning Network,

This first webinar of a series focused on late-breaking research calling attention to the realities of vulnerable children in Uganda will focus on street-connected children as a particularly vulnerable demographic in Uganda.

Amos Ngwomoya - Daily Monitor,

Child's i Foundation in Uganda has donated bicycles, smartphones, face masks and bottles of sanitizer to volunteers in Makindye division, Kampala to support them in their work to "sensitize residents about the spread of COVID-19" and so that the volunteers can "reach places that are inaccessible" and give timely reports on the needs of the community, particularly vulnerable children and families, according to this article from the Daily Monitor.

Emma Batha - Thomson Reuters Foundation,

This article from the Thomson Reuters Foundation reports on the increase of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Somalia as a result of the lockdowns enacted to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

A. Makuyana, S. P. Mbulayi, S. M. Kangethe - Children and Youth Services Review,

This qualitative study used a case study design to explore the manifestations of the core psycho-social deficits associated with children domiciled in child headed households.

Family for Every Child,

In this online event, Family for Every Child members FSCE (Ethiopia), The Mulberry Bush (UK), Praajak (India) and CSID (Bangladesh) discussed children's care in the context of COVID-19.

Anna Mutavati, Maniza Zaman, Demola Olajide - UN Sustainable Development Group,

This blog post from the UN Sustainable Development Group notes the rise in cases of gender-based violence (GBV) and violence against children (VAC) in Kenya, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and calls for immediate action to address this "shadow pandemic."