Southern Africa

Displaying 531 - 540 of 562

List of Organisations

Kalanidhi Subbarao and Diane Coury,

A detailed book providing evidence-based guidelines for approaches and interventions to best mitigate the various risks confronted by OVC.

Kerry Vermaak, Nqobile Mavimbela, Jane Chege, and Eka Esu-Williams,

Outlines key findings of survey conducted to investigate the challenges faced by households caring for OVC in South Africa. Conclusion delineates six potential responses to community needs.

World Vision HIV/AIDS Hope Initiative,

Toolkit for the founding and expansion of HIV/AIDS responses in development programs. Includes hands-on tools and support documentation.

Geoff Foster,

Discusses the interplay between informal and formal safety net mechanisms in supporting orphans and children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS. Includes recommendations for strengthening traditional family and community safety nets weakened by the epidemic.

Michelle Adato, Akhter Ahmed, and Francie Lund,

A short discussion of various safety net program options and considerations for effective program design. Focus on reducing poverty in sub-Saharan Africa

Anna Strebel,

A review of interventions for orphaned and vulnerable children that focuses on community-supported, home-based care examples. Highlights several models and programs, such as the COPE approach and Village AIDS Committees. Advocates the need for more research-based interventions and evaluation.

Anne Case, Christina Paxson, and Joseph Ableidinger,

Research on the incidence, living arrangements, and causes of lower school enrollment of orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa.


This paper reports on the life circumstances of today’s orphaned children in Africa with new data and fresh analyses. The report presents a strategy for ensuring that all of Africa’s orphaned children have a safe, healthy and well-educated childhood, establishing the foundation for a productive adult life and for their countries’ overall development. Therefore, this paper encourages hope in the face of an epic disaster as it offers the possibility of change for those already orphaned and for the generation to come.

Help Age International and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance ,

A publication by International AIDS Alliance and HelpAge International provides an overview of the issues identified by older people and orphans and vulnerable children themselves; examples of community-based programs that are improving the lives of older people and orphans and vulnerable children; recommendations that will help to prioritize orphans and their carers within HIV/AIDS and wider development policies, programs and research.

Marc Pilon,

Explores the relationship between fostering and education in West Africa. Identifies special need to focus on protecting and educating young girls.