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C’est dans ce contexte que le bureau de l’UNICEF au Burkina Faso se propose par le biais de ces termes de référence de recruter un-e Spécialiste national en Protection de l’Enfant (PE), de niveau NOC, pour assurer la gestion de ce projet, sous un contrat temporaire (TA), pour une période de 364 jours, sous la supervision de la chef de section Protection de l’enfant.
l’UNICEF au Burkina Faso se propose par le biais de ces termes de référence de recruter un-e administrateur-trice national-e en Protection de l’Enfant (PE), de niveau NOB.
UNICEF Ghana in partnership with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection is looking to engage the services of an individual with skills and technical expertise in facilitating the strengthening the capacities of social welfare and community development staff of MMDAs in case management for children in need of care and protection including child survivors of gender based violence.
Le(a) consultant(e) national(e) sera engagé(e) pour assister le chef d'équipe dans la phase de conception de l'évaluation en lui apportant toute son expertise et dans la phase de collecte en lui facilitant l'accès et l'identification des personnes ressources au sein de l'administration et la société civile.
This paper examines the gendered roles of sibling position and network‐derived social capital in Mexican and Senegalese international migration.
These Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) describe guiding principles, procedures, roles and responsibilities in the prevention of and response to child protection for children residing within Ghana.
This Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) is intended as a guide for social workers in handling cases of children in need of care and protection.
This report presents the findings of an assessment of Ghana's national alternative care system aimed at supporting the government and its partners in continuing to advance alternative care.
According to this article from AllAfrica, Nigeria's National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons has expressed great concern over "the illegal sale of children in the country" from unregistered orphanage homes.
Better Parenting Nigeria is a parenting education curriculum whose goal is to build caregiver protective factors so that parents can provide better support to children.