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The Federal Government in 2010 together with the Lagos State Government embarked on a pilot test to map and assess the existing components of Child Protection in Lagos and Child Frontiers was recruited to undertake the mapping and assessment.
The main objective of the mapping and assessment is to identify the major gaps in the current child protection system in each state, which will provide the basis for specific suggestions on how to improve the existing child protection system at the state and LGA level.
This “roadmap” document outlines the recommended implementation strategies and activities for strengthening family- and community-based alternative care in Liberia. It accompanies the Guidelines on Kinship Care, Foster Care and Supported Independent Living (the Guidelines) and the Capacity Building Plan to Implement the Guidelines (CBP).
This Context Assessment, produced by Maestral International, aims to collect and review all relevant information to support the development of the Department of Social Welfare’s (DSW) institutional capacities to execute the new framework for alternative care in Liberia.
This article examines the recruitment and transportation of internally trafficked children from Benue State in the north-central geo-political zone of Nigeria to Oyo State in the south-western zone of Nigeria
The 2014 Larissa Award will go to an initiative that focuses on “Child Deprivation and Vulnerability in Africa”.
This report provides an overview of Liberia’s alternative care context, identifies key stakeholders who are involved in the child protection field in the country, and summarizes the Child Care Legal and Policy Framework related to alternative care.
The main objective of the mapping and assessment is to identify the major gaps in the current CPS in each State to provide the basis for specific suggestions on how to improve the existing CPS at the State and LGA level.
The main objective of the mapping and assessment is to identify the major gaps in the current CPS in each state, which will provide the basis for specific suggestions on how to improve the existing CPS at the state and LGA level.
Faith to Action's latest publication, "Children, Orphanages, and Families: A Summary of Research to Help Guide Faith-Based Action" is now available online