
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Africa. Browse resources by region, country, or category. Resources related particularly to North Africa can also be found on the Middle East and North Africa page.

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List of Organisations

Children in Families (CIF) Technical Working Group,

The CIF+ pilot is a collaborative, locally led, intensive effort with the main aim to reintegrate 200 children from Child Care Facilities (CCFs) in Lusaka district, into families over a period of three years (2019-2021).

UNICEF ESARO, Changing the Way We Care,

This short paper examines why children on the move need to be included in care reform in the region, how the care needs of these boys and girls can be met, and what lessons can be learned from the care of children on the move to inform the care of children more broadly.

Changing the Way We Care,

This Handbook is a summarized, simplified version of the Case Worker’s Guidebook for Case Management for Reintegration of Children/Young Adults into Family- or Community-Based Care. It provides an overview of the principles and practices of case management for reunification and placement of children/young adults outside of parental care (e.g., street-connected children/young adults or from Charitable Children’s Institutions and Statutory Children’s Institutions) into family- and community-based care, up until sustainable reintegration is achieved. The Handbook aims to provide an easy and quick reference to critical information and “how to” about case management for reintegration.

Changing the Way We Care,

This practical guidance is for anyone working with children at risk of entering, already living in, preparing or having already left care. It discusses why and how to support children who are at risk of or who have already experienced adverse experiences that might lead to distress or trauma.

Changing the Way We Care ,

This report describes the process used for designing and facilitating focus group discussions with children and young adults, that informed the household survey design.

Know-How Center Bulgaria, Children and Family Initiative, and Changing the Way We Care,

These presentations from Know-How Center Bulgaria, Children and Family Initiative, and Changing the Way We Care, were delivered during the September 30, 2021, workshop of the Care Measurement Task Force of the Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform. The focus of the workshop was translating research evidence into action. 

Kahindo Sifa Bahati - Thomson Reuters Foundation,

Hundreds of children orphaned by Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been driven to work amid trauma, discrimination and fear around the disease

Sarah Rockowitz, Laura M Stevens, James C Rockey, Lisa L Smith, Jessica Ritchie, Melissa F Colloff, Wangu Kanja, Jessica Cotton, Dorothy Njoroge, Catherine Kamau, Heather D Flowe,

This study examined patterns of sexual violence against adults and children in Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic to inform sexual violence prevention, protection, and response efforts.

International Disability Alliance (IDA),

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated inequalities and barriers to
social inclusion for people with disabilities. These experiences of social
exclusion have been felt to an even greater extent by women with disabilities
and under-represented groups of people with disabilities, leading to a range of
effects on the operations and priorities of OPDs. To address a critical gap in the
evidence base, the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk carried out a rapid assessment
of the role of OPDs during the pandemic, and how the pandemic has affected
OPDs’ operations and priorities.

Better Care Network and Helping Children WorldWide,

The Child Rescue Centre was the first orphanage in Sierra Leone to successfully complete a transition from residential to family-based care. This case study highlights some of the key dynamics that arose throughout the transition of the orphanage and examines how those dynamics both influenced the transition and determined the type of support provided as well as the most appropriate transition strategy.