
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Africa. Browse resources by region, country, or category. Resources related particularly to North Africa can also be found on the Middle East and North Africa page.

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Wiedaad Slemming, Linda Biersteker, Lori Lake,

This 17th issue of the South African Child Gauge focuses attention on early childhood development – from conception until the start of formal school. It collates the latest evidence to reflect on progress, identify challenges and point the way forward.

Lucy Jamieson, Hussienatou Manjang,

This report interrogates the normative framework governing child participation in South Africa. It provides an analysis of international human rights obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child.


The Government of Kenya, through partners and other stakeholders, is scaling up the National Care Reform Strategy that seeks to transition about 85,000 children in more than 900 institutions to family and community-based care.,

The program to reunite children living in care homes with families is now ready for national rollout following successful preliminary trials in 13 of the 47 counties.

Ilifa Labantwana, the Children’s Institute at the University of Cape Town, the South African Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in the Presidency, the South African Department of Basic Education; the Grow Great Campaign, DataDrive2030,

The South African Early Childhood Review 2024 tracks data on the status of children under six years. 

Margherita Squarcina, Alessandro Carraro - United Nations,

This study examines the socioeconomic determinants of COVID-19-induced poverty among households with children in refugee-hosting districts of Uganda, comparing refugee and host households. It also investigates the role of social assistance in preventing poverty.

Helping Children Worldwide, Laura Horvath, Emmanuel M. Nabieu, Yasmine Vaughan, Melody Curtiss,

Listen to transition support experts David Musa and Yatta Palmer of the Child Reintegration Centre (CRC) explain how transition is getting more children home to family and learn about the challenges, successes, and the powerful role of the CRC in revolutionizing child welfare in Sierra Leone.

Marion Kithi - The Standard,

The birth of David (not his real name) was regarded as an evil omen.

Changing the Way We Care,

Este artigo explora o papel da avaliação e gestão de caso no contexto das reformas do sistema de cuidados alternativos. Oferece princípios transversais de boas práticas, as etapas essenciais e descreve os fatores críticos envolvidos nas práticas de avaliação e gestão de caso eficazes. Baseando-se na literatura da região, o artigo visa fornecer uma orientação abrangente aos profissionais e às partes interessadas envolvidas nos cuidados, no bem-estar e na proteção das crianças. O anexo fornece detalhes dos recursos de avaliação e gestão de caso da região da África Oriental e Austral e também em outros lugares.

Changing the Way We Care,

Ce document explore le rôle de la gestion de cas dans le contexte des réformes de la prise en charge. Il propose des principes transversaux de bonnes pratiques, des étapes essentielles et décrit les facteurs critiques impliqués dans des pratiques efficaces de gestion de cas. S’appuyant sur la littérature de la région, ce document vise à fournir une orientation générale aux professionnels et aux acteurs impliqués dans la prise en charge, le bien-être et la protection de l’enfance. L’annexe fournit des détails sur les ressources en matière de gestion de cas dans la région de l’Afrique de l’Est et australe ainsi qu’au-delà.