Northern America

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List of Organisations

Katie Hyslop - The Tyee,

This article from the Tyee highlights a new report with recommendations for supporting foster youth in transitioning to independent living, which was co-researched by 8 youth from care and a a McGill University social work PhD student, Melanie Doucet.

Andrea Lane Eastman, Emily Putnam-Hornstein - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study identified children born to mothers in foster care and documented Child Protective Service (CPS) involvement among children.

Kristina Lovato - Children and Youth Services Review,

While previous studies have focused on the effects of parental deportation on young children, this study uniquely contributes to the literature by exploring how adolescents experience and cope with a forced family separation.

Kristina Lovato - Children and Youth Services Review,

While previous studies have focused on the effects of parental deportation on young children, this study uniquely contributes to the literature by exploring how adolescents experience and cope with a forced family separation.

National Family Support Network,

This webinar will explore the US the nationally-adopted Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support. 

Melanie Doucet - McGill University,

Relationships Matter for Youth 'Aging Out' of Care is a collaborative photovoice project led by Melanie Doucet, who is a former youth in care, alongside eight former youth in care between the ages of 19 and 29 from the Greater Vancouver area.

David Chenot, Amy D. Benton, Michelle Iglesias, Ioakim Boutakidis - Children and Youth Services Review,

The purpose of this study is to explore child welfare workers' perspectives on ethnic matching in child welfare service delivery.

Elizabeth K. Anthony, Judy Krysik, and Cara Kelly - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study examined the use of socio-emotional well-being measures among a sample of 57 children and youth living in a congregate care type setting such as a group home or shelter.

David Chenot, Amy D. Benton, Michelle Iglesias, Ioakim Boutakidis - Children and Youth Services Review,

The purpose of this study is to explore child welfare workers' perspectives on ethnic matching in child welfare service delivery.

Sarah Font & Marina H. Potter - Sociological Inquiry,

The authors of this article examined social and economic resources in the environments of children involved with child protective services and their associations with children's cognitive performance.