Northern America

Displaying 1231 - 1240 of 2448

List of Organisations

Jennifer E. Blakeslee & Jared I. Best - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study explores how foster care experiences can impact support network functionality as young people exit the foster care system.

Youngmi Kim, Eunsu Ju, Rachel Rosenberg, Betsy Farmer - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study aims to test Independent Living Services (ILS)'s effects on educational attainment and employment of foster care youth.

Eva Ruth Moravec & Ginger Thompson - ProPublica,

This article from ProPublica shares the story of Wilder Hilario Maldonado Cabrera, a six year-old boy from Honduras who had to appear in US immigration court alone and unrepresented following his separation from his father upon entering the US along the border with Mexico in June 2018.

John SG, Brandt TW, Secrist ME, Mesman GR, Sigel BA, Kramer TL - Psychol Serv,

This article provides an overview of complex trauma and its effects, with a focus on attachment concerns.

Angela Look - Journal of Humanistic Psychology,

In this article, the author provides a synopsis of some current statistics about foster care and the experience of the foster care system in the US and offers an overview of a handful of relevant grief theories and expend a call to those within the field to develop more unique grief theories and interventions for children in the foster care system.

Kathryn Maguire‐Jack, Kelly M. Purtell, Kathryn Showalter, Sheila Barnhart, Mi‐Youn Yang - Children & Society,

Using data from age 3 of the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, the current study explores the complex relationships between U.S. childcare subsidies and neglect.

Miriam Jordan - New York Times,

This article from the New York Times tells the story of one Guatemalan mother, among others, who migrated to the United States, was separated from her daughter, and now faces the threat of losing custody of her daughter because the girl is a US citizen. 

Mark E. Courtney, Erin J. Valentine, Melanie Skemer - Children and Youth Services Review,

The study reported here uses a random-assignment evaluation design to assess the impact of the YVLifeSet program on young adults transitioning to adulthood from the child welfare and juvenile justice systems in the state of Tennessee.

Marina Haddock Potter & Sarah A. Font - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study sought to investigate associations of caregiver-child closeness, monitoring, and dating communication with youth's sexual initiation, sexual partners, and unprotected intercourse over the subsequent 12 months.

Donna J. Cherry & John G. Orme - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study replicated and extended previous research by conducting a follow-up study of 107 families (90% response rate) 17 years after pre-service training. Consistent with previous research we found a small proportion (10%) of families who provide a disproportionate amount of care in terms of length of service and number of children fostered, approved to foster, adopted, and removed at families' request.