Northern America

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List of Organisations

Adrienne Whitt-Woosley, Jessica Eslinger, Ginny Sprang - Trauma Responsive Child Welfare Systems,

This chapter provides a description of the Partners in Child Protection (PICP) project, the assessment protocols utilized, and the implementation strategies applied to support and maintain the partnership. 

Rachael Myrow - KQED Arts,

The Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History, in the San Francisco Bay Area of California, invited a team of former foster youth and advocates to help put together an exhibit on foster care in California, called 'Lost Childhoods.'

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

Following up on a 2014 report of the same name, this report (Race for Results) describes the disproportionate barriers facing children of immigrant families in the US, and it recommends strategies that policy, community and civic leaders can use to guide their decisions so that all our children have a fair chance to thrive. 

J. Jay Miller, Kalea Benner, Athena Kheibari, Earl Washington - Child and Youth Services Review,

This study employed Concept Mapping (CM) with a convenience sample of 51 foster youth/alumni in one southeastern state in the US to explicate a conceptual framework for the development of campus supports for collegiate foster youth/alumni, and examine priority areas (e.g., importance and feasibility). 

Cristina Flores, KUTV,

This article from KUTV draws connections between what is called the "opioid crisis" in the state of Utah, and all over the United States, and the growing incidence of child abuse in the state.

Nathanael J. Okpych & Mark E. Courtney - Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research,

This study investigated social capital, risk factors, and protective factors associated with the likelihood that youth in foster care will enroll in college.

BBC News,

In this video from the BBC two women from the US, tell their stories of being married as children. 

Patricia Logan-Greene, Annette Semanchin Jones - Child and Family Social Work,

This study contributes to the literature by examining risk and protective factors of chronic neglect.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children's Bureau,

This report provides preliminary estimates of Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) data for FY 2016 in the United States. 

Roos Julie Steens, Koen Hermans, Tine Van Regenmortel - Child & Family Social Work,

The authors of this article performed a multiple case study to gather information about barriers and facilitators in building a working alliance between social workers and families.