Northern America

Displaying 1761 - 1770 of 2448

List of Organisations

J. Bobby Miglani & Justin Scrivener - Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,

Anecdotal and limited objective studies have indicated that children and youth being raised in nonparental settings, such as those with custodial grandparents or in foster care, show a higher need for mental health services. They are often prescribed psychotropic medications at a higher rate. The authors set out to study the prevalence of this trend in a sample group of suburban community health center child and adolescent patients who are being served through an outpatient school-based program of Prince William County, Virginia in the US. 

John Sargent - Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,

This presentation will discuss methods of assisting reconnection and reunification in families of unaccompanied minors immigrating to the US.

Urban Institute under contract to the U.S. Administration for Children and Families,

Aiming to assist providers to identify and better serve the needs of youth victims of human trafficking, this study developed and pretested a Human Trafficking Screening Tool used to identify youth in the child welfare system and runaway and homeless youth who have experiences of trafficking, 

Gillian Huebner Consultant, Elevate Children Funders Group,

This document sheds some light on where funding discussions currently stand with regard to U.S. government programs for global children and youth issues. 

Roderick A. Rose and Paul Lanier - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

This exploratory study used cross-sector administrative records linked across multiple systems, including child welfare records and Medicaid claims, from a single state in the U.S. over a five-year period, to investigate the factors that predict entry into psychiatric residential treatment facilities for children. 

Devon Ziminski - The Chronicle of Social Change,

The foster care "hackathon" series explores how technology can be optimized to streamline child welfare systems and improve series to young people in care and their families. 

Ramona Denby, Efren Gomez, and Richard V. Reeves - Brookings Institution,

This report explores the challenges of implementing and evaluating relationship-based interventions for young people with experience in the U.S. foster care system and presents recommendations for both practitioners and researchers for successful implementation and evaluation in the future. 

Ching-Hsuan Lin & Angela R. Wiley - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examines whether the use of relative child care improves maternal parenting practices. Data from 3475 families in the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study were used to examine how relative child care is related to parenting behaviors and how the patterns present among each racial/ethnic and immigrant family. 

Ching-Hsuan Lin and Angela R. Wiley - Children and Youth Services Review ,

This study utilized data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to examine how kinship care affects maternal stress and parenting practices in racial/ethnic and immigrant families in the United States. 

Tonino Esposito, Ashleigh Delaye, Martin Chabot, Nico Trocmé, David Rothwell, Sonia Hélie and Marie-Joelle Robichaud - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

This paper examines the extent to which socioeconomic vulnerability, psychosocial service consultations, and preventative social services spending impacts the reunification for children placed in out-of-home care.