Northern America

Displaying 2141 - 2150 of 2448

List of Organisations

Ellen Otzen - BBC World Service,

This article describes the experiences of Inuit children from Greenland who were removed from their families and taken to Denmark in the 1950s in an effort by the Danish government to re-educate them as “Little Danes” and to “modernize” Greenland.

Sigrid James, Ronald Thompson, Neal Sternberg, Elizabeth Schnur, Jordan Ross, Linda Butler, Dawn Triplett, Lesley Puett & Jenny Muirhead - Residential Treatment for Children & Youth Volume 32, Issue 2, 2015,

This study reports on results of a national survey conducted in the United States about the attitudes, perceptions, and utilization of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in residential care settings.

Ana Rocío Escobar-Chew, Marsha Carolan & Kathleen Burns-Jager - Journal of Feminist Family Therapy,

This qualitative study focused on disadvantaged women in the US child welfare system who have lost their parental rights.

Joanna Smith - Canada,

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has published a report concluding that the removal of aboriginal Canadian children from their families, to be placed in residential schools, amounts to cultural genocide.

Laury Oaks - NYU Press,

In this book, Laury Oaks discusses “Baby safe haven” laws in the United States and the attitudes towards women who use baby safe havens.

Pamela Holcomb, Kathryn Edin, Jeffrey Max, Alford Young, Jr., Angela Valdovinos D’Angelo, Daniel Friend, Elizabeth Clary, Waldo E. Johnson, Jr. - Mathematica Policy Research, OPRE, PACT,

This report describes themes and findings from the first round of in-depth interviews conducted as part of a qualitative study on the views and experiences of fathers who voluntarily enroll and participate in Responsible Fatherhood (RF) programs in the US.

Marni Brownell, Mariette Chartier, Wendy Au, Leonard MacWilliam, Jennifer Schultz, Wendy Guenette, Jeff Valdivia - Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, University of Manitoba,

This study was designed to “identify factors that contribute to the educational success of children in care in Manitoba” and to “make recommendations regarding what schools, school divisions, and the provincial Department of Education and Advanced Learning could do to contribute further to the educational success of children in care.”

Chelle J. Stokes & Stephanie Carolina Montes - California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks,

This study examines whether participation in Extended Foster Care (EFC) or the Aftercare Program in San Bernardino County, California, USA increases perceptions of independence in former and current foster dependents ages eighteen and older.

Kristin Heffernan & Pamela Viggiani - The Advanced Generalist: Social Work Research Journal, 1 (3/4), p 37-58,

This article reviews current efforts to train child welfare workers in the US in trauma informed practices and argues that trauma informed care adaptation and training must transcend case workers and supervisors in order for true systemic change to occur.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada,

In this executive summary, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada provides an introduction to the use of residential schools for aboriginal children in Canada, presents an overview of the Commission’s activities, describes the history and legacy of these residential schools, and outlines the challenges of reconciliation, including 94 recommendations, or “calls to action” for reconciliation in the field of Child Welfare among many others.