Northern America

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List of Organisations

Ashley Fetters - The Atlantic,

The US House Oversight Committee has released a new report on child separation at the U.S.-Mexico border that reveals how many children were separated from their parents and families upon entry into the United States and how long those separations lasted, according to this article from the Atlantic.

Mia Stange, Brett Stark - The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics,

This paper reviews and contributes to evolving analyses of the public health, legal, and ethical consequences of immigration policy.

Loring Jones - Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services,

This review examines the legislative history leading up to extended care, the research on youth leaving foster care, youth preferences for extended care, the competition of extended care with permanency options, and the effects of extended foster care on transition-age youth.

Rong Bai, Cyleste Collins, Robert Fischer, David Crampton - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study explores facilitators of and barriers to effective collaboration between workers at partner organizations working on a program focused on the reunification of housing-unstable families with their children in out-of-home placement in the US.

McKenna Corlis, Amy Damashek, Kate Meister, Hilary Richardson, Barbara Bonner - Child Maltreatment,

This study examined child protective service (CPS) involvement of children surviving the child maltreatment fatality (CMF) of a sibling as well as predictors of subsequent CPS reports.

2019 Class of Foster Youth Interns - Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute,

This report presents policy recommendations to improve the U.S. child welfare system, made by young adult interns who participated in the Foster Youth Internship Program® (FYI), "a highly esteemed congressional internship for young adults who have spent their formative years in U.S. foster care."

Dworsky, A., Gitlow, E., Horwitz, B., & Samuels, G.M. - Chapin Hall & Voices of Youth Count,

This Research-to-Impact brief is the seventh in a series of briefs that presents key findings from Voices of Youth Count. It elevates the voices of young people whose pathways into homelessness included time in foster care and points to opportunities for prevention and intervention.

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

This brief outlines how US child welfare systems can implement these eight strategies to address existing disproportionalities and disparities for LGBTQ+ children, youth, and families.

Bryce Peterson, Jocelyn Fontaine, Lindsey Cramer, Arielle Reisman, Hilary Cuthrell, Margaret Goff, Evelyn McCoy, and Travis Reginal - Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the National Institute of Corrections (NIC),

The objective of this document, developed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), in collaboration with the Urban Institute and Community Works West, is to detail a set of practices that correctional administrators in the United States can implement to remove barriers that inhibit children from cultivating or maintaining relationships with their incarcerated parents during and immediately after incarceration.

Committee on Oversight and Reform, U.S. House of Representatives,

This staff report has been prepared at the request of Chairman Elijah E. Cummings to summarize the data obtained by the Committee on Oversight and Reform's subpoenas to compel the Trump Administration to produce documents relating to its policy of separating immigrant children from their families.