
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Doncel with support from the Latin American Network of Care Leavers, Better Care Network, Changing the Way We Care,

This is the first regional mapping of activists with care experience in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Doncel, the Latin American Network of Care Leavers, Better Care Network, Changing the Way We Care,

A team of professional researchers and young care leavers mapped the region to meet care experienced people engaged in improving alternative care in Latin America and the Caribbean and learn from their activism. They interviewed more than 60 care-experienced activists from 19 countries. On October 27 at 15.30 (EST) they will present the results of these efforts and dialogue with young activists to hear their recommendations to strengthen the participation of children, adolescents and youth in the issues that affect them.

Erika Hayasaki - The Atlantic,

In America, popular narratives about adoption tend to focus on happy endings. Poor mothers who were predestined to give their children away for a “better life”; unwanted kids turned into chosen ones; made-for-television reunions years later. Since childhood, these story lines about the industry of infant adoptions had gradually seeped into my subconscious from movies, books, and the news.


Rachel and her husband adopted Marcus out of Guatemalan foster care as a 7-month-old infant and brought him home to Lansing, Mich. With a round face framed by a full head of dark hair, Marcus was giggly and verbal — learning names of sea animals off flashcards, impressing other adults.

Al Jazeera,

More than 100 Haitian migrants have been found on an uninhabited island near Puerto Rico, United States authorities said, as Haiti continues to reel from a humanitarian crisis brought on by surging gang violence.

Julian Resendiz - Oklahoma News 4,

JUAREZ, Mexico (Border Report) – Juarez authorities late Monday bused dozens of Venezuelan migrants expelled from the United States to an emergency shelter – a move to prevent single adults and families with children from sleeping on the streets again.

Changing the Way We Care,

Este estudio de caso destaca la transición de servicios de cuidado residencial a los basados en la familia y comunidad, realizado por las Hermanas de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Buen Pastor, en Tijuana B.C., México. 

Changing the Way We Care,

This case study highlights the transition of the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd in Tijuana. It presents the highs and lows that come with a change process of moving from residential care to community-based services focused on family strengthening.

Changing the Way We Care,

Este estudio de caso destaca la transición de servicios de cuidado residencial a los basados en la familia y comunidad las realizado por las Hermanas de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Buen Pastor, en Ciudad Juárez, México.