
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Human Rights Watch,

The US child welfare system punishes people for living in poverty and disproportionately impacts Black and Indigenous families, according to a new report produced by Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union. The failures of the system can haunt families for decades by limiting their employment opportunities and exacerbating a cycle of poverty that can trap successive generations in the child welfare net.

Lisa Cavazuti, Cynthia McFadden, Maite Amorebieta, Yasmine Salam - NBC News,

Native Americans are speaking out decades later about the abuses and indignities they endured at a school designed to “kill the Indian” in them.

Better Care Network, Bridges Safehouse,

This case study outlines the financial impact of the transition of Bridges Safehouse, an organization that provided support to a total of 834 children, youth and adults, through their residential and community-based intervention programs combined.

Maria Morrison, Brett Drake,

Using national child welfare data, the authors examined a subset of foster children (7%) who entered care due to parental incarceration in the U.S.

Thom Reilly, David Schlinkert,

In this cross-sectional comparative study, the authors assess the outcomes of emancipated youth in the U.S. after the initiation of an extended after care program and compare the results with the outcomes drawn from a prior study conducted twenty years earlier. Overall, young adults in the 2021 study fared significantly better than their 2001 counterparts.

Karin Brulliard - Washington Post,

PASCUA YAQUI INDIAN RESERVATION, Ariz. — Victor Cortez was just 5 months old when he was brought here from California by a tribal social worker, who placed the baby in the care of a relative after his mother was jailed for drug trafficking. Today, 16 and soft-spoken, Victor is a rising star among the Pascua Yaquis’ traditional dancers and is still living with that guardian, the only mother he’s ever known.

Sabrina Agnihotri, Caroline Park, Roland Jones, Deborah Goodman, Mitesh Patel,

This study represents a scoping review and narrative synthesis that sought to identify indicators used to measure the success of aging out youth in North America and their corresponding methods of assessment.

Justin S. Harty, Aaron Banman ,

This chapter in the book "Engaging Fathers in Child Welfare and Foster Care Settings: Promoting Paternal Contributions to the Safety, Permanency, and Well-being of Children and Families" explores research on father engagement in child welfare services in the U.S., including studies on engagement activities, associations with child welfare outcomes, and barriers to engagement with the aim of assisting social workers and child welfare caseworkers in more fully engaging fathers.

Doncel with support from the Latin American Network of Care Leavers, Better Care Network, Changing the Way We Care,

Para garantizar que las personas que han vivido en cuidados alternativos puedan participar de los procesos y decisiones para mejorar los sistemas de cuidado, Doncel junto a la Red Latinoamericana de Egresados de Protección, Better Care Network y Cambiando la Forma en Que Cuidamos (Changing The Way We Care en inglés) llevaron adelante el primer mapeo regional de activistas que vivieron en cuidados alternativos en América Latina y el Caribe.