
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

To help early childhood systems in the U.S. learn to work with parents in ways that promote equitable outcomes and maximize opportunities for all children, 40 parent leaders and agency staff from nine Early Childhood Learning and Innovation Network for Communities (EC-LINC) communities came together in January 2018 to create a manifesto for change.

Kerri S. Kearney, Zeak Naifeh, Tonya Hammer, and Abby Cain - The Review of Higher Education,

This exploratory, qualitative, multi-case study sought to understand, from the perspective of successful foster alumni college students, the role and influence of family members.

Harry Orúzar, Rafael Miranda, Xavier Oriol, Carme Montserrat - Children and Youth Services Review,

The main objective of this study is to explore, from a bottom-up perspective, the moderating effect of an experienced happiness indicator (OHS) and the daily-life activities shared between caregivers and adolescents in the residential care system in Peru.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau,

The U.S. National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) is a federally sponsored effort that collects and analyzes annual data on child abuse and neglect. The data that are collected are submitted voluntarily by the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and published in an annual report. This document provides a summary of key information from the 2019 report.

Marina Lalayants - Silberman School of Social Work,

This evaluation study examined the perceptions and outcomes of the Parent Advocacy (PA) Initiative implemented in Initial Child Safety Conferences (ICSC) by New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services (ACS).

Consejo Nacional de Adopciones,

El Consejo Nacional de Adopciones se presenta al público en general la Memoria de Labores correspondiente al 2019, en la cual el único compromiso fue restituir los derechos de la niñez guatemalteca.

Kristi Gleason, Amanda Cox, Delia Pop - Bethany Global and Hope and Homes for Children,

This publication is presented in three parts. Part 1 discusses how seeing Haitian children as part of a complex and beautiful social system can inform best practices in child care reform. Part 2 highlights eight organizations working towards family-based care and the preservation of families and communities. Part 3 provides inspiration for collective action and transformation.

Save the Children,

This brief provides an overview of the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and Migration Hub, established by Save the Children in Panama to support migration work in the region.

1,000 Days,

1,000 Days, with support from Zero to Three and their Think Babies Campaign, has created this resource, Nutrition in the First 1,00 Days, to focus on the importance of investing in nutrition during this foundational period.

Joanna Woolman - Mitchell Hamline Law Review,

This article tracks the history of foster care licensing requirements in the U.S. state of Minnesota, discusses the real-life story of a grandmother with a grandchild placed in foster care, explains the federal mandates established through the Adam Walsh Act, discusses the existing flaws in the process, and highlights the ways in which Minnesota’s current statutory scheme and processes disproportionally impact communities of color.